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The Best Show on WFMU => Show Discussion => Topic started by: Tom Scharpling on August 17, 2006, 12:47:26 AM

Title: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Tom Scharpling on August 17, 2006, 12:47:26 AM
Hey everyone!

I'm working on putting something together and would love some input from the listenership.

What is your favorite Philly Boy Roy call? Please post the date and say why you like it.

Thanks so much for the help!

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: The Cleef on August 17, 2006, 08:28:29 AM
Is PBR "Invincible"?

Numero Uno
July 11, 2006: Philly Boy Roy And His Psychic Son
1-running of the cheese steaks
2-crimpet eating champion Roy jr exhibits 'nem powers
3-laser allen

My second favorite ... I can't find the date for- it's when Roy handcuffs his self to the doomed statium a year before it was to get tore down.

HonoUrable mentions...
March 19, 2002: A Barrage Of Special Guests - Philly Boy Roy Mocks Tom,
"You never had Cherry Wishniack? That's the Nectar of 'nem Gods"

I can't find the dates containing...
"Glass blowing kit" - there's a good whuuut in that one.

"Cheese steak turk hoagie" - thanksgiving Zeigler tradition


Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Omar on August 17, 2006, 08:48:44 AM
I'll second theCleef's vote for:

July 11, 2006: Philly Boy Roy And His Psychic Son.  A great, multi-tiered PBR call -- Running of the Cheesesteaks into Roy, Jr's psychic powers into Laser Allin into the Quiznos that lacks Philly pride.  Also marks the debut of "Philadummy" being unleashed from PBR's canister of quips and snaps.


March 28, 2006: Philly Boy Roy calls to talk about The Sopranos.  Another multi-tiered gem -- Fun Zappa riffs give way to a discussion of the Crawlspaces & Cheesteaks board game into the alternate universe version of The Sopranos that the Zieglers view from the Circuit City parking lot.  Fred Detweiler!  Old Vern! 

I'm probably neglecting some great, older PBR stuff because they are not as fresh in my mind, but these are my two favorites from this year.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: cokefantastic on August 17, 2006, 08:57:53 AM
I'll second theCleef's vote for:

March 28, 2006: Philly Boy Roy calls to talk about The Sopranos.  Another multi-tiered gem -- Fun Zappa riffs give way to a discussion of the Crawlspaces & Cheesteaks board game into the alternate universe version of The Sopranos that the Zieglers view from the Circuit City parking lot.  Fred Detweiler!  Old Vern! 

This is mine.  Although there was a call where Roy couldn't stop laughing everytime you brought up novelty pencils... I couldn't find the date though.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: buffcoat on August 17, 2006, 10:08:05 AM

I don't remember the date, but PBR's concept of a "dance off/knife off" has haunted me for years as I flipped the cable channels in vain looking for this amazing new sport.

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Chris L on August 17, 2006, 10:39:21 AM
03/28/06.  The Sopranos bit had me rolling.   

I'd have to listen to remember the details but I think May 14, 2002 was the one with the "Philly Fever" movie talk.  That kind of sums up all of PBR's obsessions. 

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: bruce on August 17, 2006, 12:28:02 PM
let's get old school folks:

1/15/02: Tom Argues With Philly Boy Roy About Why Philadelphia Isn't Better Than NY/NJ

1/22/02: Philly Boy Roy Challenges Tom To An 'All Or Nothing' Football Bet

then the follow up call where PBR welches on it on 2/5/02

Now wheres the Hot rockin ronny thread
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Omar on August 17, 2006, 01:16:53 PM
I'll second theCleef's vote for:

July 11, 2006: Philly Boy Roy And His Psychic Son.  A great, multi-tiered PBR call -- Running of the Cheesesteaks into Roy, Jr's psychic powers into Laser Allin into the Quiznos that lacks Philly pride.  Also marks the debut of "Philadummy" being unleashed from PBR's canister of quips and snaps.


March 28, 2006: Philly Boy Roy calls to talk about The Sopranos.  Another multi-tiered gem -- Fun Zappa riffs give way to a discussion of the Crawlspaces & Cheesteaks board game into the alternate universe version of The Sopranos that the Zieglers view from the Circuit City parking lot.  Fred Detweiler!  Old Vern! 

I'm probably neglecting some great, older PBR stuff because they are not as fresh in my mind, but these are my two favorites from this year.

While not nearly as epic as the above two calls, I greatly enjoyed the 12/13/05 PBR call in which he talked about his callback for Rocky VI (on one of his first audition tasks: "I punched meat.") and his "extreme" retooling of the Goldenberg Peanut Chews website.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: DonovanAlabaster on August 17, 2006, 02:01:40 PM
I think you'd have to include
"Did you just say 'hold-on-a-second?'"
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: bccook on August 17, 2006, 03:10:23 PM
Bruce is on point with the "all-or-nothing" bet. Seconded!
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Emerson on August 17, 2006, 05:42:24 PM
My (recent) faves no one has mentioned yet:

1. Nov. 8, 2005: PBR's Weird Alliance
2. April 11, 2006: PBR v. Danielson

Whenever regular Best Show characters harass actual callers and guests, it makes me happy.

April 28, 2005: Rhoda Calls In might help flesh out the mystique. As might the Last Will & Testament, although PBR is terrifying without a foil.

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Omar on August 17, 2006, 06:06:44 PM
My (recent) faves no one has mentioned yet:

1. Nov. 8, 2005: PBR's Weird Alliance
2. April 11, 2006: PBR v. Danielson

Whenever regular Best Show characters harass actual callers and guests, it makes me happy.

April 28, 2005: Rhoda Calls In might help flesh out the mystique. As might the Last Will & Testament, although PBR is terrifying without a foil.


Good choices, especially the Weird Alliance.  In terms of fleshing out the mystique, the 5/30/06 show had a lot of interesting stuff re the Ziegler family, particularly the PBR-Roy, Jr. dynamic, which continued to become even more problematic in subsequent calls.  This is the call in which PBR documented the Ziegler's wild, borderline-criminal Memorial Day festivities at the Days Inn.  It also has the stuff about his father's refusal to let him view theatrical films when younger, thus he's still hoping to see The Swarm 2.

Ok, I've now cited four PBR calls.  I'm cutting myself off.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: JP on August 17, 2006, 07:46:31 PM
Off the top of my head:

I loved his movie script about tom.  phanatical daze

March 29, 2005 1 hour 55 minutes on the real audio archive

Of course, the night before christmas

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: DanSF on August 17, 2006, 08:39:48 PM
November 29, 2005:  (I'm pretty sure this is the right date but not 100%)  Philly Boy Roy talks about the "challenge" issued from the E.O.T.  When he starts saying "sham-on!  sham-on!" at the end, I blew a snot on my computer screen. 

April 27, 2004: Philly Boy Roy becomes a motivational speaker.  This one had great flow.  Sorry if that sounds corny. 

Not Sure of the Date (Help me out anyone?):   Philly Fit Club - when he's talking about "Hoagie Boy" fashioning a magical flute out of a hoagie....oh man, that's some funny stuff.

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Duncan on August 18, 2006, 02:33:13 AM
Mine is November 29, 2005. I like the later calls as by then Tom and PBR have developed an amicable rapport. There have been funnier plots for PBR calls -- this one has PBR announcing his upcoming book, A Philadelphia Yankee on the Supreme Court -- but there are so many great lines and jokes in this one, and, more importantly, it covers pretty much every key aspect of PBR's character: the sleaziness, adultery, bigotry, opportunism, parental negligence, right-wing lunacy, alcohol/drug abuse, sexism, malapropisms, accent problems and one of the earlier insights into the creepy, hostile PBR/Roy, Jr. relationship. The anti-New Jersey agenda is there with PBR trying to start a debate on kicking New Jersey out of the union. It uncovers a new low for PBR -- hoping his mother will die of a cold by the weekend so he can scatter her ashes over Lincoln Financial Field to promote his book. And unusually for one of the later calls, Tom restates the premise of the character right off the bat. And Wurster is great with some of the funnier "what"s, "why"s, and laughs.
Some quotes:
"Oh, I forgot -- I'm listening to liberal radio!"

On Elton John:
"I don't like none of the other stuff, because of his personal stuff."
"What, you mean him being gay?"
"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh... that's a nice way of putting it."

"Should we allow sex in public libraries or not?"
"No, we shouldn't!"

"If we had little rooms for it, it would be great. None of nem kids would know about it, unless someone was very loud."

"What has New Jersey ever given us? All nem smokestacks?"

"It's good to know you're so on top of it."
"Oh, I'm on top of a lot of stuff. [long laugh] I bet you're not though. I can just tell."

"You had 18 Yuenglings?"
"No... 24. Why."
"You drank 24 Yuenglings tonight."
"In the last two hours."

Beyond that, the call namechecks David Brenner, Angie and Donna Pescow, the Hooters, the Eagles, Rocky, cheesesteaks, hoagies, the pencil factory, Wawa, and PBR signs off with a little "And We Danced". A classic!
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Amplituden on August 19, 2006, 03:43:33 PM
I am sort of new to this so I haven't heard that many, however.

I really thought the one from 7/25/06 was really funny.  The thing about carrying that hoagy guys body through the streets like 'nem Iyatollah or somthin', killed me.

I also liked when he called Tom a Phillidummy.

Thats my 2 cents.

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Mark on August 20, 2006, 01:08:33 PM
I'll second (or third, or whatever) the March 28, 2006 votes. Tony/Fred didn't get shot, he ate a bad hoagie and Junior/Vern was pointing at him with a metal stick.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: SamStone on August 21, 2006, 12:05:38 PM
Although I haven't heard calls past a year ago, my favorites are:

3: "Wierd Allience" - Just plain strange.  But hilarious. (November 8, 2005)
2: "Memorial Day / Swarm 2 / DaVinchi Cone" - "The traditional philly flop" makes me laugh whenever I think of it. (May 30, 2006)
1: "Crawlspaces and Cheesesteaks / Sopranos" - I think Crawlspaces & Cheesesteaks is one of the most funniest things I've heard on the radio in a LONG time.  Follow it up with the talk about the Sopranos and you have an instant win. (March 28, 2006)

I realize the last two are very recent, but they're really great.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Tim K in DC on August 21, 2006, 08:54:22 PM
I think any PBR appearance where he drops the name of some obscure hardcore band that I'd forgotten about (was it Reflex From Pain or Violent Children?) just puts the call over the top. Forgive my dodgy memory banks, but it's just so left field that I can't even process it.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: PhilH on August 22, 2006, 08:39:57 PM
My all-time favourite is:

January 22, 2002: Philly Boy Roy Challenges Tom To An 'All Or Nothing' Football Bet

"I won a house in Beverly Hills"

I love all of the PBR arcs, especially the movie and Eagles bet ones.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: georgelopos on August 23, 2006, 01:13:58 AM
Count me in for the Crawlspaces and Cheesesteaks/Sopranos call as well.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: patient957 on August 30, 2006, 04:39:41 PM
... Any call where he sings.

The only 2 I know of are "Cheesesteak Rag" (July 25th)
and "Philly Pride" - I think that was November 29, 2005.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: runawayvan on August 31, 2006, 12:12:51 AM
Crud. If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. In fact it might have been mentioned already but for the life of me I can't remember the date! Anyway, the one where PBR won a trip to Eng-a-land for eating the most english muffins. I believe there's also an excellent dissection of the word "handburgers" in that one.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: GetOffMyBone on August 31, 2006, 05:28:47 AM
When Philly Boy roy said he sold his farts in a jar and said "one sniff will make you stupid".
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: emilyrides on September 05, 2006, 03:11:12 PM
I have to give my vote to Philly Boy Roy's 'Philadelphia Night Before Xmas' poem, which I believe he has read twice. When he said, 'On Hall, On Oates', that did me in for the night.  I also find his undying affection for ex Philly mayor Frank Rizzo hysterical, because everyone in Philly does love that creep. 
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Mac B on September 05, 2006, 05:52:20 PM
I gotta go with the phone call after the eagles lost the super bowl and Roy lost everything betting on the game and the Puppy Bowl(1) was dynamite! It also showcases Roy's way too trusting relationship with Roy jr.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Country Lobster on September 07, 2006, 04:04:24 PM
Crud. If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. In fact it might have been mentioned already but for the life of me I can't remember the date! Anyway, the one where PBR won a trip to Eng-a-land for eating the most english muffins. I believe there's also an excellent dissection of the word "handburgers" in that one.

It's at the beginning of the July 13, 2004 show.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Skeletor on August 05, 2012, 12:02:11 AM
December 6 2011, where PBR goes to London. Throws eggs at Big Ben for good luck (it's how the Beatles got famous), gets called "a right tosser" by Noel Gallagher, brings over a sackful of hoagies on the plane.. "tally ho my good man" +"by jove" as spoken by PBR... Oh my.

Also, merely hearing the intro of that Hooters song with the melodica really cracks me up.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: daveB from Oakland on August 05, 2012, 02:42:19 PM
There's been several (?) calls where PBR talked about pony-keg & acid-fueled shenanigans during rockshows at the Philadelphia Spectrum. I think one time him and his buddies saw Duran Duran there for some reason ... "but we didn't like 'em cuz we thought they were a bunch of 'mos"

Anytime he talks about Blue Oyster Cult is automatically hilarious.

And I think there was a call where he somehow sneaked backstage during a Heart show at the Spectrum. He had the entire hood of a car with him, because he wanted Nancy Wilson to autograph it. Amazing.

Oh, Roy. So many memories.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: JesseFromVegas on August 05, 2012, 04:21:16 PM
Every Roy call I've ever heard has made me giddy to the point of mania, so I can only isolate an element of some Roy calls that delights me above all others: Whenever the call begins with a sound clip of either the Rocky theme, "Bang On The Drum All Day" or "And We Danced", preferably one where he apologizes to Tom for his (insert outdated gizmo here) going off.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Sashamak on August 05, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
 November 16, 2010: Roy's story about his first wife. It's kind of touching while still being completely in character.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: daveB from Oakland on August 05, 2012, 10:31:05 PM
Hmm, not sure if I've heard that one. There was one time when Jon W. called in as Mrs. Roy Ziegler ... doing a higher-pitched version of the PBR voice, which doesn't even seem possible.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: vicd on August 08, 2012, 10:46:24 AM
Working at the Pencil Factory.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: ben on August 09, 2012, 01:34:39 AM
I'll second theCleef's vote for:

July 11, 2006: Philly Boy Roy And His Psychic Son.  A great, multi-tiered PBR call -- Running of the Cheesesteaks into Roy, Jr's psychic powers into Laser Allin into the Quiznos that lacks Philly pride.  Also marks the debut of "Philadummy" being unleashed from PBR's canister of quips and snaps.

Also -

June 22, 2010  Roy talking about local Philly (like the polo mallets) sports franchises and homemade vuvuzelas with John Oliver and John Hodgman. 

His Amish odyssey of 2007 was great too.  It spanned several calls, and was epic.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: CSW on August 09, 2012, 10:34:42 AM
December 6 2011, where PBR goes to London. Throws eggs at Big Ben for good luck (it's how the Beatles got famous), gets called "a right tosser" by Noel Gallagher, brings over a sackful of hoagies on the plane.. "tally ho my good man" +"by jove" as spoken by PBR... Oh my.

Also, merely hearing the intro of that Hooters song with the melodica really cracks me up.

As a resident of these "Isles of Wonder" I like this one a whole lot although I appreciate it might not be an all-timer otherwise.

Roy visiting The Gathering of The Juggalos was a lot of fun too. August-16 2011

And Roy revealing his until then hidden love child (who might be wealthy) Nov 16-2010
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Ojingeo on August 10, 2012, 03:40:10 PM
Roy Ziegler's script with Tom Scharpling as the ape monster. If memory serves that might have been a two or three parter. But my memory doesn't serve me well.

And you can't have a best of without Philly Boy Roy's Christmas poem.

And any mention of whippin' batteries.

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: mostlymeat on August 10, 2012, 04:52:08 PM
Roy Ziegler's script with Tom Scharpling as the ape monster.

That's my fave too. Tom gets put down by callers a lot but this script's lurid descriptions just go on and on and get funnier and funnier. I really miss the show intro where this was quoted.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: fonpr on August 10, 2012, 05:04:30 PM
I really miss the show intro where this was quoted.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: rattkane on February 01, 2013, 11:30:37 AM
When Philly Boy Roy looses it to the law offices of Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe joke!
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Epic Soundtracks on April 14, 2013, 09:04:37 PM
Anyone know where I can hear the July 11, 2006 episode?
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: TheyGotEmma on April 16, 2013, 01:26:22 PM
Anyone know where I can hear the July 11, 2006 episode?

That Philly Boy Roy call is on The Art of the Slap.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Epic Soundtracks on April 19, 2013, 08:32:08 PM
Thanks, Emma in Cville
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Mike Desert on May 25, 2013, 03:03:29 PM
Any one where he mentions "Kevin Allin"
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: trotnixon on May 31, 2013, 11:14:22 PM
May 21, 2013 when Philly Boy Roy resigns as mayor of Newbridge and names Tom as his successor after PBR's municipal mismanagement leads to mayhem in the streets. I liked it because it was long, I never want those PBR calls to end.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: agent_jimmy on January 28, 2015, 12:34:41 PM
so...what is the answer. The 'lil lady and I are heading down to Philly for the weekend and I'd love to play her a PBR call on the car ride but can't decide which one. I'm looking for one that best sums up Philly, Roy and The Best Show in general.

Kinda leaning toward the 'Invincible' call. that's the Roxboro Peeper one too, I think... and RoboHoagie...?

which call is the most Philly Boy Roy?

Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Wes on January 29, 2015, 10:28:17 AM
How long is the ride? Having done some intense PBR research (roysearch?) last year, I came to the conclusion that the 20 minute call from the May 14, 2002 show is the call I'd use to introduce the character, since it sets up a ton of who Roy is and what he's going to be doing for the next few years.
My favorite, though, is the two-fer from the 3/29/2005 episode (my usual pick for the best Best Show episode), which has the call from actor Jeffrey Ludell and follow-up call from Roy about Roy's movie, Philly Fever. They add up to a little over a half hour, I think.

That said, I don't know if I can disagree with the one that helped get things rolling back on Page 1, the call that would make it onto THE ART OF THE SLAP about Roy Jr. and Laser Allin.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: buffcoat on January 29, 2015, 02:34:36 PM
He passed on after a show at a New York nightclub, you know.

I actually was going to say the same thing as Wes' last suggestion, but with a caveat: I would use the full version of that call rather than the edited one.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Epic Soundtracks on January 30, 2015, 10:08:45 AM
For newbies I wouldn't recommend the 6/19/12 call where PBR laughs for a minute (which is a long time) at the phrase "Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe", but for the cognoscenti, it's transplendent.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: agent_jimmy on January 30, 2015, 11:51:19 AM
the physic son one is the way to go. it's got the running of the cheesesteaks and everything. thanks guys!

i'm currently isolating all the philly boy roy calls so I can listen to them in order and really see how the saga unfolds. it's not taking that long. it looks like there are 93 philly boy roy appearances on the best show (thanks to the Newbridgctionary)

I'll share my notes for the Newbridgctionary, buffcoat. god bless all you obsessive best show fans.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: mostlymeat on January 30, 2015, 01:28:14 PM

i'm currently isolating all the philly boy roy calls so I can listen to them in order and really see how the saga unfolds. it's not taking that long. it looks like there are 93 philly boy roy appearances on the best show (thanks to the Newbridgctionary)

Its absolutely staggering how much Best Show content there is.  I've been a superfan since '06 and have only scratched the surface.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Denim Gremlin on January 30, 2015, 03:22:53 PM

i'm currently isolating all the philly boy roy calls so I can listen to them in order and really see how the saga unfolds. it's not taking that long. it looks like there are 93 philly boy roy appearances on the best show (thanks to the Newbridgctionary)

Its absolutely staggering how much Best Show content there is.  I've been a superfan since '06 and have only scratched the surface.

yeah, I can't imagine getting into the show now and then trying go back and listen to everything. I start listening in '04 and even when it was only like 3 years worth of catching up it seemed like an insane amount.
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: buffcoat on January 31, 2015, 12:24:34 AM
the physic son one is the way to go. it's got the running of the cheesesteaks and everything. thanks guys!

i'm currently isolating all the philly boy roy calls so I can listen to them in order and really see how the saga unfolds. it's not taking that long. it looks like there are 93 philly boy roy appearances on the best show (thanks to the Newbridgctionary)

I'll share my notes for the Newbridgctionary, buffcoat. god bless all you obsessive best show fans.

You're welcome, jimmy. The Newbridgctionary started out as just an Excel spreadsheet so that I could keep track of which JW calls I had and hadn't listened to.

There have been a huge number of PBR calls - who's second? Bryce, I would bet. There were a lot of Pudge and Darren ones for awhile, too.

Of course, my favorite regular caller was Hot Rockin' Ronny, but I think he had his day and is done except for the occasional mention by present-day callers.

I look forward to your notes!
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: Carver on January 31, 2015, 04:43:53 PM
Hot Rockin Ronny as the Kern Pharmaceutical corporate DJ is one of my favorites of all time. 
Title: Re: What Is Your Favorite Philly Boy Roy Call?
Post by: fonpr on February 01, 2015, 09:51:17 AM
I don't recall which episode it was, but Marky Ramone talking about John getting "madah and madah." He,also, keeps saying he has to go so he can practice his paradiddles.