Over the months and years, I've listened to Tom and various listeners attack the integrity or worthiness of various movies, entertainers and musicians whom I find to be perfectly adequate but may or may not really admire. I've thought that about
Juno, the Rolling Stones, Robert Rodriguez,
Airplane!, Miles Davis, Bruce Springsteen, the Grateful Dead, Steely Dan, and many, many more. (In fairness, Tom may not have been bashing the Stones but only saying that they've seen their day and should hang it up, or something to that effect.) A lot of the preceding is pretty middlebrow fare, some of which I like, some of which I don't.
No doubt, the trash talk makes the show more interesting. But I think to myself, oh Tom, it could be oh, so much worse. Why not leave well enough alone? What do I mean? The following link lists the acts appearing in the concert series at this year's Iowa State Fair, the granddaddy of all state fairs. It's an absolute horrorshow, one act worse than the one before, full of washed up has-beens and never-weres. I'm sorry to say, as a native Iowan, that it probably makes the West Virginia State Fair's concert series look like that of Carnegie Hall. Don't click this link if you are prone to nausea. Even the word "demolition," as in demolition derby, is misspelled. And this from a state that boasts, with some justification, that its public education system is among the best in the nation.