D. Craig is a man my mother described to me, with not a little of squirming on my part, as "rough trade."
Tom, I would like to hear your opinions on two "classic" albums that i personally don't understand why people think are so great.Who's Next and London CallingI think both are piles of crap speckled with a few good songs. Who's Next in particular.I'd like to know if you agree or disagree. if you disagree I'm very interested in finding out from you why they are so great. so far no one can give me a better answer than "dude they're fucking classic man!"
Hi Tom,How about the awesome new Les Savy Fav album Let's Stay Friends? Or Kenny Vs. Spenny? Or tonight's Daily Show interview with Chris Matthews where I recognized for the first time ever that, in spite of the fact that I tend to like what he does, Jon Stewart is sort of a dick?Keep that finger away from the trigger; we need you.Tim
I would like you to explain why you feel CASINO ROYALE was aimed at you. Was it the scene where he was ball-tortured? I just saw that movie last night and I was like "WHAT!?!?!" Anyway. More discussion of James Blond, please. D. Craig is a man my mother described to me, with not a little of squirming on my part, as "rough trade."
Oh, oh, buffcoat, did you see the one with Sebastian? Normally I hate reality shows, but I stumbled on this episode and couldn't stop watching, so dumb, dishonest, and delusional was this guy. I may need to adopt this show.
I go through periods, usually centered around TBS marathons, where I watch several Bond movies in a short burst. I'm partial to the Man with the Golden Gun (Hall of Mirrors! Ricardo Montalban!) and Live and Let Die (Alligators! Voodoo!) I definitely think Tom should include the original, though non-canonical, Casino Royale in his Bond project.