Author Topic: Best Show Dreams?  (Read 65937 times)


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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #180 on: February 08, 2011, 02:44:08 PM »
Did the bees make you laugh?

haha yes! when i woke up.

in the dream is was terrifying

I suppose dead bees aren't quite as funny as live ones.

Denim Gremlin

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #181 on: February 08, 2011, 03:06:38 PM »
Did the bees make you laugh?

haha yes! when i woke up.

in the dream is was terrifying

I suppose dead bees aren't quite as funny as live ones.

I try not to analyze this stuff to much.
I was the first guy in hardcore to whip people with his belt.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #182 on: February 08, 2011, 05:01:16 PM »
According to a documentary I saw, drunk bees are hilarious.


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #183 on: February 09, 2011, 11:09:19 AM »
K, I got one.

I had a nasty flu bug a few weeks ago that pretty much levelled me for two days. The kinda flu where you can't do anything but lie there and have muscle twitches, and even though you're bored, it hurts to watch tv, the kind where you hit that fever where the huffalumps come to visit.

So I thought I'd listen to the some recent archives.

That was when I had a vision of the "wall of laughter" being a literal brick-and-mortar wall of laughter, fortifying Tom's castle and keeping the unfunny at bay. Wally was the court jester; Spike was the dungeon master of course, and the protege contenders were involved in all sorts of Iago-ish side dealings...and that's when the unwanted members of the Huffington Post Top 50 stormed the castle with a "laughter ladder", Ricky Gervais leading the charge up the rungs. That's when AP Mike dumped a cauldron of hot tar on his head.

The moral of the story? Flu & Archives don't mix.

Denim Gremlin

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #184 on: March 03, 2011, 02:46:57 PM »
I'm having anxiety dreams about the best show dvd.

last night i dreamt it came but someone stole it out of my mailbox before i could get it.
I was the first guy in hardcore to whip people with his belt.


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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #185 on: March 03, 2011, 02:48:17 PM »
I dreamed that Tom did an entire show in his "Petey voice."

Pregnant Pause

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #186 on: March 21, 2011, 08:34:06 AM »
I dreamt that Titus Andronicus was performing an WFMU benefit at my high school, and they just covered "Do It" over and over again. 

cavorting with nudists

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #187 on: March 26, 2011, 10:32:57 AM »
1.  There was going to be a "live" Best Show.  Not a Best Show performed in front of an audience while being broadcast--the idea was that the only people who got to hear it were the people there in the live audience--no broadcast.  With me so far?  OK, so.  About 30 of us got on a shuttle bus that took us to the venue, the ballroom of a large white mansion in the woods about 2.5 hours from New York.

We in the audience were each wearing a T-shirt individually hand-painted with bright, colorful abstract designs.  Tom wore a series of pullover sweaters, each one with a pattern of black shapes over an off-white background.

For the show, Tom focused on each audience member, sequentially, for a five- or ten-minute segment.  He and the audience member would sort of interview each other.  Tom was warm, gracious, and seemed genuinely interested in what each person had to say--no GOMP hair-trigger, no ticking clock, no pressure to be funny or interesting.  Until he got to me.  At this point, his expression froze, he became completely unresponsive, and generally dripped with contempt.

I saw him in the hallway afterwards and called his name, hoping to ask what just happened there, but he either didn't hear me or purposely ignored me.   He just kept walking.

Now it was after midnight, and apparently either the shuttle bus wasn't making the return trip or that service just wasn't available to me, for I was left to contemplate how I was going to manage the 2.5-hour trip back to New York.

2.  I was in an e-mail exchange with Larry the Perv.  We were plotting to rob a bank.
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #188 on: March 26, 2011, 02:16:48 PM »
I dreamed I was telling someone about the Gas Station Dogs. Speaking of which, I was watching Brian De Palma's "Phantom of the Paradise" the other night. The opening doo-wop number by Death Records band The Juicy Fruits reminded me of GSD's hit song, "Rock N' Roll Dreams'll Come True."


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #189 on: April 06, 2011, 09:15:25 AM »
Last night I dreamed that I was on tour and ended up sleeping on Tom's couch after a show.  In the morning he let me go through his pile of unwanted screeners that he gets in the mail to take whatever I wanted with me.  I'm pretty sure I got a copy of Doom Generation.  Also, we had sandwiches for breakfast, seemed a little weird.
If you're not a job creator, you better step the fuck away from that hot dog machine.

Lawrence Orbach

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #190 on: April 06, 2011, 09:36:39 PM »
Slightly off-topic, but I was thinking that one of Spike's dreams would most definitely be him invited as a guest of honour to a 'Big Bang Theory' cast party, complete w/ John Wesley-Harding Ship. He would be having a grand old time when suddenly, his dream would turn into a nightmare as he would find himself along with the others shivering and clinging onto an iceberg because THE CAST OF HIS COVETED SHOW ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 25, therefore they would be fighting for survival in depths of Antarctica.


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #191 on: April 08, 2011, 05:43:26 PM »
Had a dream last night that I was watching Japanese 70's sci-fi/horror movie Hausu (House) with Tom at (of all things) a house party. We were both pretty invested in watching the film, but there were people dancing and doing things like keg stands all around us (after all, it was a party). At some point, Tom gets a phone call and says he has to leave but that I should come with him. We get in a car that looks like a Toyota Prius, but it's big enough that it can fit around 15 people. When Tom and I get into the car there are already people in there waiting. After I jump in, the doors lock shut and bunch of people try to smash/shove their way into the car. As we are starting to drive away, there are people hanging on to the sides and back of the car for dear life. He yells at one of the hangers-on and says "Okay you can come too, get in!" Then he peels out and speeds down the highway with the rest of people still hanging off the car, laughing at them. I ask "Where are we going, Tom?" And he says "THE JERSEY SHORE!!"

And that's all remember.

You can thank my new anxiety medicine for sponsoring this dream.
"Don't be near me."

Andre 4000

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #192 on: April 09, 2011, 02:35:35 PM »
Pretty lame, but anyways.

Tom was on a stage, face obscured by a cowboy hat with a guitar singing Bob Dylan's "Just Like a Woman."  But, like me, he didn't know the lyrics so it was just:

[mumble] [mumble], Just Like a Woman!
[mumble] [mumble], Just Like a Woman!

That's it.

Jason from Huntsville, AL

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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #193 on: April 10, 2011, 07:16:45 PM »
Tom showed up in a dream of mine a few weeks ago working behind the counter of what I think was a combination second-run movie theater and convenience store. I remember being surprised to see him there and having a pleasant chat with him.
"A Man Can Make a Dog Break Its Gaze." - Tom


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Re: Best Show Dreams?
« Reply #194 on: April 11, 2011, 12:43:22 AM »
definitely dreamt recently that a certain JW had an awesome Flock of Seagulls haircut.
Doing it Mentos style.