I had a dream of a Wurster call last year. I remembered a good deal of it when I woke up. The caller begins, "Boy, how about this song Young Folks. Peter Bjorn and John. It's everywhere, huh? [this song was in very heavy rotation in Toronto - I assume it was elsewhere - and used in MTV promos]" and some small talk about Peter, Bjorn and John followed. Eventually, Wurster has an announcement. "I'm actually working with those guys, PB & J. Are you coming to Sandwichstock?"
T: "Sandwichstock? What's that?"
J: "Well, Tom, I'm putting together the first sandwich-themed music summer festival. We've got the boys of PB&J - Peter, Bjorn and John - and I'm very excited to announce that Bread are reuniting [though I've just looked them up and discovered several of their members have passed on - my dreaming self was unaware]."
T: "That's great."
J: "Oh yeah. We're hoping to get Hoagy Carmichael too."
T: "Like a hoagie, that's nice. Well, first of all I think he's been dead for several decades."
J: "We'll have to agree to disagree on that. But you know who I'm most jazzed about?"
T: "Who's that?"
J: "BLT, of course!"
T: "BLT, who's that?"
J: "Wait, you have a radio show and you've never heard of BLT? (singing) American lady, gonna rest a while!"
T: Sorry. . .
J: Bacon Lettuce Turnerdrive.
T: (laughing) Bacon Lettuce Turnerdrive? It's Bachman-Turner Overdrive, you idiot."
J: No, it's not. Is it?"
That's all I remembered, but I've got to admit I laughed when I woke up and remembered it.
Anyway, I just signed up for this board. My name's Sam and I'm from the T-Dot, home of the television shows "Prank Patrol" and "Heart of the Annex"; I'm a big fan of the Best Show and look forward to reading the board. Thanks!