Hey, you know what sounds like more fun than going over to your apartment to play Wii bowling? Actually going bowling. I'll drive.
so sad that some people can't appreciate the charm that stale beer, $2 nachos, plumes of cigarette smoke, and rented footwear have to offer. video bowling can't replicate any of these wonders and I wouldn't do it for all the change in the bowling alley bathroom condom machine..
So what are the upper class activities you are doing? The only shitty part of that is the second-hand cigarette smoke (which if you live in a state where that is legal, good luck going to any place with alcohol, even your precious chardonnay, and not being surrounded by smoke).
Bowling is fun. You should loosen your ascot and enjoy fun stuff or go shop for a coffin.
luxurious one,
i pretty much knew the second i hit "post" that someone would take that wrong way. there's really no accounting for tone or sarcasm on message boards.
what's that old proverb? oh, yeah: "judge me not lest ye lived a month in my bowling alley.." or something like that.
my point was that stale beer, nachos, rented shoes and, to some extent, cigarette smoke are the things i LIKE about going bowling. by that i mean they're the little magic touches that can't be replicated by some weird video game. it's all part of the experience. without it - it ain't bowling. i also like coming up with a funny name for myself to appear on the score viewer thing. oh, and the crane machine - that's pretty happening too.
i don't know anything about chardonnay, or what constitutes an "upper class activity" (burning money for kicks, caviar eating contests, hunting the poor for sport?) - but the ascot comment made me chuckle.