Speaking of ADD:
(recent favorite: The Dirtbombs' "Everlovin' Man")
I bought this album about three hours ago and oh my goodness it is fantastic.
Getting back on topic:
Um, I have been sitting here trying to think of the thing people don't understand about being a high school student. I think you all pretty much get it.
The number one thing people don't understand about being a "barista" (I am not a fan of this term by any means) is that when you pour half your coffee directly into the garbage to make room for milk instead of asking me to just give you less coffee, the coffee and tea and milk and everything collect in the bottom of the garbage bag and then, later, when I'm taking out the trash and the bag breaks and I get your gross old coffee all over my ridiculous flameproof smock and super-uncomfortable awkward-fitting company t-shirt that I will have to keep wearing for the next four hours and that will probably not dry out completely before I get home, I will curse you and your entire family (past, present and future) in ways that would make even an old-timey sailor blush.
I quit that job, but not so long ago that I am not still filled with bitterness. Clearly.