It's a nerd thing. BoingBoing'ed for months and months -- they have some pretty cool examples on there. And some VERY lame ones.
Can I throw Cory Doctorow in the Hate Pit again?
Please do.
But at least let him plug his new e-book beforehand!

Cory Doctorow is an archetypal FWD. This guy was an invited guest on Leo Laporte's "This Week in Tech" podcast, which is sponsored by, then during one of Leo's breaks to thank them for being a sponsor, Cory went into a whiny rant about how Audible wouldnt let him distribute his audiobook without DRM, and how Audible sucks because he had to manually convert all of his Audible library into .ogg files or whatever when he switched to Linux. The guy is bad PR for the Open Source/Creative Commons/Copyleft/"Free Culture" movements. A religious fanatic on the level of Richard Stallman, albeit more acceptably hipster and less hirsuite than Mr. Stallman.
He, as well as his penchant for posting every stupid steampunk related thing he can find on the internet is one of the main reasons why I stopped reading BoingBoing on a regular basis.
I'll personally dig a new hate pit just for him alone.