Author Topic: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh  (Read 43965 times)

gravy boat

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2008, 06:04:32 PM »
The third page of this thread has gone off the rails. 

Yes, a stark contrast between this dreadful page and the other two pages of utter brilliance.

Thanks for the banal paraphrase, jerkface!

. . .
I like this


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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #46 on: June 23, 2008, 06:08:14 PM »
but is there Any room in music to be critical on a technical level?


I can't stop!


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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #47 on: June 23, 2008, 06:15:01 PM »
Wyclef is one of the worst rappers ever.  You, Trembling Eagle, have not a leg to stand on.

thats laughable
I'm not sure  if I'm talking to a rap fan here, and I hate to assume and judge
but your comment leads me to believe you don't know much about rap.

Or maybe you two just have different...tastes?
I don't mean to be ridiculous or anything.

I'm accounting for taste differences
but is there Any room in music to be critical on a technical level?

I'm asking the Wayne fans to defend him as an artist for something other than fashion

I listen to a fair amount of rap (I probably fall somewhere between casual listener and expert), but I'm really terrible when it comes to a more technical discussion of music. Basically for me, his appeal lies in the fact that he is one of the few rappers that consistently makes me laugh, while also coming up with lots of really great lines, even if sometimes they are total weirdo nonsense.  There is something about his delivery that I really enjoy.  This probably isn't the greatest defense for him, but I enjoy him and I would still like him regardless of his current hype.

John Junk 2.0

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2008, 06:29:42 PM »
I am not a Lil' Wayne fan, as I don't believe I have ever heard anything he has ever done (that's probably not accurate, but I don't know of anything...).  I used to listen to rap a lot in the '90's, so all my favorites are, by now, "Old School": Slick Rick, De La Soul, Tribe Called Quest, Wu Tang Clan.  I have no doubt you listen to more rap music than me, but your assertion that Wyclef is good is dead wrong.  I know, I know, I have a differing opinion, but in this case my opinion is objective and can be proven scientifically.  That video you just posted proves that Wyclef is a passable guitarist and is great at singing in a fake Jamaican accent.  This has always been his m.o. and has nothing to do with rap. The only Wyclef-affiliated thing I can stomach is Someone Please Call 911 because it is patently ridiculous.  Wyclef is a self-important clown.  He should change his name to Myclef Meyers. He should be a producer of liberal arts college coffee shop bands.  His music isn't even really rap.  M.C. Steinberg is a better rapper than Wyclef.

Also: Paul Barman?  Really??

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2008, 06:32:11 PM »
Wyclef is one of the worst rappers ever.  You, Trembling Eagle, have not a leg to stand on.

thats laughable
I'm not sure  if I'm talking to a rap fan here, and I hate to assume and judge
but your comment leads me to believe you don't know much about rap.

Or maybe you two just have different...tastes?
I don't mean to be ridiculous or anything.

I'm accounting for taste differences
but is there Any room in music to be critical on a technical level?

I'm asking the Wayne fans to defend him as an artist for something other than fashion

I listen to a fair amount of rap (I probably fall somewhere between casual listener and expert), but I'm really terrible when it comes to a more technical discussion of music. Basically for me, his appeal lies in the fact that he is one of the few rappers that consistently makes me laugh, while also coming up with lots of really great lines, even if sometimes they are total weirdo nonsense.  There is something about his delivery that I really enjoy.  This probably isn't the greatest defense for him, but I enjoy him and I would still like him regardless of his current hype.

yeah, lets talk specifically about the track I posted Wayne had a really great CRAZY line about a girl wearing a dress to the the letter. Wow how edgy and weird. There is whole 10 years of punchline rappers you must have missed


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #50 on: June 23, 2008, 06:43:03 PM »
Wyclef is one of the worst rappers ever.  You, Trembling Eagle, have not a leg to stand on.

thats laughable
I'm not sure  if I'm talking to a rap fan here, and I hate to assume and judge
but your comment leads me to believe you don't know much about rap.

Or maybe you two just have different...tastes?
I don't mean to be ridiculous or anything.

I'm accounting for taste differences
but is there Any room in music to be critical on a technical level?

I'm asking the Wayne fans to defend him as an artist for something other than fashion

I listen to a fair amount of rap (I probably fall somewhere between casual listener and expert), but I'm really terrible when it comes to a more technical discussion of music. Basically for me, his appeal lies in the fact that he is one of the few rappers that consistently makes me laugh, while also coming up with lots of really great lines, even if sometimes they are total weirdo nonsense.  There is something about his delivery that I really enjoy.  This probably isn't the greatest defense for him, but I enjoy him and I would still like him regardless of his current hype.

yeah, lets talk specifically about the track I posted Wayne had a really great CRAZY line about a girl wearing a dress to the the letter. Wow how edgy and weird. There is whole 10 years of punchline rappers you must have missed

You are picking out one line from one specific song from a guy who has put out probably a couple hundred over the last few years.  I didn't claim that everything he says is brilliant, in fact I think he has plenty of outright terrible songs.  That being said, I like him and if you don't, then so be it.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2008, 06:45:56 PM »
He should be a producer of liberal arts college coffee shop bands. 

This is why I want to be friends with John Junk!
"Son, there's a thin line between crazed and rabid"

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #52 on: June 23, 2008, 06:53:58 PM »
I am not a Lil' Wayne fan, as I don't believe I have ever heard anything he has ever done (that's probably not accurate, but I don't know of anything...).  I used to listen to rap a lot in the '90's, so all my favorites are, by now, "Old School": Slick Rick, De La Soul, Tribe Called Quest, Wu Tang Clan.  I have no doubt you listen to more rap music than me, but your assertion that Wyclef is good is dead wrong.  I know, I know, I have a differing opinion, but in this case my opinion is objective and can be proven scientifically.  That video you just posted proves that Wyclef is a passable guitarist and is great at singing in a fake Jamaican accent.  This has always been his m.o. and has nothing to do with rap. The only Wyclef-affiliated thing I can stomach is Someone Please Call 911 because it is patently ridiculous.  Wyclef is a self-important clown.  He should change his name to Myclef Meyers. He should be a producer of liberal arts college coffee shop bands.  His music isn't even really rap.  M.C. Steinberg is a better rapper than Wyclef.

Also: Paul Barman?  Really??

Because he sang his verse in the acoustic version? Although I don't follow much of the newer rap and pop to come out it seemd de riguer for rappers to sing their hooks nowadays and most of them a lot less ably than him.

His style is ground in the purest rap and I say that as a person who listened to Blunted on Reality (ever hear of it?) on a tape walk man back and forth to school everyday for a year when I was in high school. I find it more than a bit offensive that in your eyes rap needs to be limited and defined to some phony baloney image thats part of the reason it sucks so hard now. Is K-OS or Mos Def doing rap according to you since they too flesh out their songs musically and sing hooks and sometimes verses?

MC Paul Barman is a gifted lyricist, thinker and a honest and funny dude that loves the art form
You'd do well to listen to his WFMU interview.

I admit I had to draw back a comparison because it would be unfair as hell to compare the talent of a MCPB or Doom with the likes of Wayne its damn near a different form of music by now.

the Wyclef comparison to me is more apt since they both operate in the pop sphere
according to this lolipop song I found they both lets look at the merits of two pop rap songs compared by these guys

Matt C

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #53 on: June 23, 2008, 07:05:45 PM »
Does Lil Wayne sing in a fake accent?  I hope so.

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #54 on: June 23, 2008, 07:08:12 PM »
He should be a producer of liberal arts college coffee shop bands. 

This is why I want to be friends with John Junk!

 yeah but instead he crafts (as it makes the beat, plays the instruments on and writes the words for) hit songs for Shakira, Santana, Mary J Blige and Akon

not that I'm a huge fan of pop music or using sales to equate talent
but its obvious the guy can CRAFT songs and make hit records for himself and others across a wide variety of genres.

To the guy with the comment about the 911 song look at the damn youtube video where he plays that live and reworks it with Spanish singer Lurcecia

he JUST a passable player? u guys are showing your true hipster douchebag colours

John Junk 2.0

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #55 on: June 23, 2008, 07:12:25 PM »
Dear Professor Eagle,

I apologize for questioning your hip-hop credentials on the first day of class.  I had no idea that you listened to "Blunted on Reality" on a tape-playing walkman machine while riding the bus to high school.  

Sadly, I will have to drop out of your class.  I simply don't have time in my schedule to compare the relative pop vocalization merits of Lil' Wayne and Wyclef at this time.  To be honest, I only signed up for this course for the sole purpose of making fun of Wyclef, but after our last class I realize that a truly effective and legitimate refutation of your claims would require research, reasoning, and time; I am more than a little embarrassed to say that I simply don't have it in me.  Hopefully next semester I will have less required credits and I can commit more fully arguing these points with you, and who knows?  Perhaps you will help me shake off the phony baloney hip-hop hang-ups I've been harboring since childhood in spite of myself.


John Junk 2.0

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2008, 07:13:21 PM »
Does Lil Wayne sing in a fake accent?  I hope so.

so its wrong to have a musically influence
you better get to the lead singer of Green Day and tell him to knock off the faux British thing
they'll never get anywhere doing that. Its obviously too late to tell Mick Jagger and Elvis to stop trying to sing like a southern blues guys.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2008, 07:16:48 PM »
Weezy is the GBV of rap: relentlessly prolific, endearingly eccentric, and kind of shitty whenever he makes a shameless crossover attempt. He is horribly overrated, but only because he's been every P-Fork nerd's token rapper for so long. (They're required to like one rap record per year each, and it can't always be Fishscale.)

It's not "horseshit" so much as it's good-time party music. Which would still be tolerated in rock, if anyone still released it.
"You said it. I didn't."


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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2008, 07:17:05 PM »

u guys are showing your true hipster douchebag colours

I'm actually surprised that this is the first time I've seen the hipster douchebag card played during my time on the board.

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Tom thinks lil' Wayne is great when he is on? ugh
« Reply #59 on: June 23, 2008, 07:29:08 PM »
Weezy is the GBV of rap

jesus christo

the wobble wobble guy is NOT the GBV of rap
I know rap sux but its not that bad. Wayne is probably the Tommy Lee of rap right now

Doom, Vast, Aesop or Warcloud is a better analogy of ur looking for weird prolific outsiders
with a unique vision

not the guy that raps about drinking his codeine water and rhymes school with school