Just got to the conclusion. I don't think anyone can really say what someone they don't even know was put on the planet for, but I hope Tom realizes that while he definitely wasn't put here to interact with Z%$@ from Sh*# H)%2+e or that Randy schmuck, one of the potential things he was put here to do was interact with Officer Tom, Petey, Laurie from Miami, Julie from Cincinnatti, Fredericks, Dave from Knoxville, Christina, Geneva, Greggulator, the Alabammy Comet, and so many more--not to mention, of course, a certain Jon Wurster, and Mike--and what the hell, Spike and Larry the Perv even--for the entertainment, beguilement and (if I may say so) soul nourishment of so many. Not forever necessarily, but I hope he knows he did good with one of his many potentials.