Quote from: B_Buster on May 10, 2012, 12:26:15 PMGet ready to eat dial tone!If you mess with the bull, you the get the horns. You have to respect the screener.I hope your job interview went well, Mike.
Get ready to eat dial tone!
I'm not the one to do it, but someone really should lift out sound clips of Mike reading from Fifty Shades of Grey and mix them to a kind of porny, sleazy slow-Prince-style instrumental background.
Quote from: cavorting with nudists on May 11, 2012, 01:33:27 PMI'm not the one to do it, but someone really should lift out sound clips of Mike reading from Fifty Shades of Grey and mix them to a kind of porny, sleazy slow-Prince-style instrumental background.Give me the times and I'll give it a shot.Hey everyone:What music would be best bed?
Chad Raisin from Bawdimore
Quote from: InspectorHound on May 15, 2012, 11:26:29 PMChad Raisin from BawdimoreHoo boy. Imagine if a bad caller could crawl thru the phone lines and manifest himself in the studio. I think that's what happened tonite.