You can say we would be able to precisely pinpoint these sites, but I remain extremely doubtful. For one, military strikes are by no means foolproof. And it would be REALLY bad to miss. Secondly, Iran has had a very long time to prepare for these targets to be struck. Unless they're complete and total morons, they've taken action to ensure their work won't be destroyed by strikes on these facilities. This isn't like the Syrian strike that caught everyone off guard. Third, there's no coming back from that kind of thing. It's an act of war. What, they're going to just shake their fists like Dr. Claw and vow that they'll get us back someday? Pakistan is so close to the brink of chaos, is it any better to see an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities lead to instantly seeing an actual weapon fall into the hands of extremists somewhere else?
I don't like or respect the Iranian government. I would be absolutely thrilled to see it overthrown to create an actual Dem. I don't have any illusions about their intentions either. But a military strike without any actual provocation is irresponsible and short-sighted (much like just about all of Israel's foreign policy). If there's no international political will for a strike beforehand, it definitely won't be there afterwards. Even if all parties involved ARE secretly hoping for it, it still won't prevent them from reacting in an extremely hostile manner. From a pragmatic perspective, our best option is to wait for Israel to do this and then immediately join the rest of the world in condemning it.
If you think I'm wrong, what do you think the consequences of a strike would actually be?