In regards to Dave from Knoxville calling me a 13 year old boy, I'M SEVENTEEN! Get your facts straight. Nothing against you though, you're one of my favorite callers. Also, I haven't asked her, but I assume my sister looked up most of that Ron Paul stuff online. I'm a big politics junkie, and I think some of that brushed off on her. We've watched EVERY SINGLE republican debate together. She thinks denigrating my name to the FOT is the funniest thing ever. she won't stop talking about it to me. Peace Out, JFSEP
This starts out weird enough, but at :40 it basically switches into Tim & Eric mode.Now is the time for action!
But the smoking Cain staffer ad is definitely the funniest one. And the music kind of reminded me of the Drive soundtrack. Maybe this dude will end up taking Santorum out with a hammer.
I've seen quite a few of his weird videos and this one might be the weirdest.He Carried Yellow Flowers
I guess in honor of all the comparisons made between his work and "CTV," Tim Heidecker made his own Herman Cain ad:cain train: Herman Cain Campaign Video
Also, regardless of any other outcome, the Rise and Spectacular Flameout of Rick Perry will be one of the enduring stories of this election. It would kill me if I were him to know that and to be able to do nothing to stop it.