Author Topic: Humorless Politics Thread  (Read 925793 times)


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1590 on: December 13, 2011, 03:04:57 AM »
His schtick isn't even believable:

"I think the left hate her -- mostly women on the left hate her, because to me, from outside in, it appears that she has a great sex life." He continued, "I think she has non-neurotic sex with that Todd Palin guy. I think most of the women on the Upper East Side, their husbands haven't been aroused since [Norman] Mailer signed copy of The Executioner's Song at Rizzoli's back in the early '70s."

If you're going to praise an anti-intellectual like Sarah Palin, you might want to refrain from making Norman Mailer references while doing so. I hope the paycheck is worth it, dude.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1591 on: December 13, 2011, 07:51:37 AM »
At this point, it appears the R nomination is going to either Romney or Gingrich. I've said all along that I think it's going to be Romney, and I think Obama will win regardless of which one gets it, but if you want to be assured of an easy Obama victory, then you should be rooting for Gingrich to get the nomination.
I'll probably go into the wee hours.


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1592 on: December 13, 2011, 09:59:51 AM »
Another reason to root for Newt (hey! that rhymed!) is that when Obama beats him, it makes Chris Christie look less viable for 2016.  When the parties already lost one by giving the nomination to a fat guy, they're less likely to go down that road twice in a row.
If you're not a job creator, you better step the fuck away from that hot dog machine.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1593 on: December 13, 2011, 11:16:50 AM »
At this point, it appears the R nomination is going to either Romney or Gingrich. I've said all along that I think it's going to be Romney, and I think Obama will win regardless of which one gets it, but if you want to be assured of an easy Obama victory, then you should be rooting for Gingrich to get the nomination.

We can sign up and vote at the Republican primaries, right?


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1594 on: December 13, 2011, 11:28:10 AM »
At this point, it appears the R nomination is going to either Romney or Gingrich. I've said all along that I think it's going to be Romney, and I think Obama will win regardless of which one gets it, but if you want to be assured of an easy Obama victory, then you should be rooting for Gingrich to get the nomination.

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Another scenario that could virtually guarantee an Obama win is if Ron Paul decides to run as a third party candidate.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1595 on: December 13, 2011, 11:33:49 AM »
If you believe the Internet comment machine (and who doesn't!), we're going to see an enormous rise in heart attacks and rage-fueled strokes the day after a (hypothetical at this point) Obama reelection.

There's a herd that could use some thinning.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1596 on: December 13, 2011, 11:48:27 AM »
If you believe the Internet comment machine (and who doesn't!), we're going to see an enormous rise in heart attacks and rage-fueled strokes the day after a (hypothetical at this point) Obama reelection.

There's a herd that could use some thinning.

The meltdown that would ensue on Free Republic would make Chernobyl look fairly minor by comparison.

And for that reason alone, I'm hoping that Obama wins a second term in office.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1597 on: December 13, 2011, 12:35:06 PM »
If you believe the Internet comment machine (and who doesn't!), we're going to see an enormous rise in heart attacks and rage-fueled strokes the day after a (hypothetical at this point) Obama reelection.

There's a herd that could use some thinning.

The meltdown that would ensue on Free Republic would make Chernobyl look fairly minor by comparison.

And for that reason alone, I'm hoping that Obama wins a second term in office.

All kidding aside, I believed/hoped the same thing about Clinton's reelection in 1996.  They mostly just came up for excuses why it happened (not that people preferred Clinton to their choice, oh, heavens no!) and then fell back into "wait till next time."
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1598 on: December 13, 2011, 12:39:16 PM »
I'm pretty bullish on Newt. He doesn't have the money/organization Romney does and there's a good chance of a career-ending scandal or gaffe that puts him out of the race, but if somehow the first doesn't matter as much as people think it does and the second doesn't happen, I think he has the nomination sewn up.

Anyone watching the debate on Saturday knows that Newt is one slick motherfucker when under attack -- the dude somehow turned a defense of his child labor stance into an applause line and despite the entire debate being a Newt pile-on (in which many very justifiable objections to Newt being the nominee were brought up), he came out of it the winner. Romney was smooth (albeit robotic sounding) when delivering talking points, but he sputtered and lost his cool once he started arguing with Newt. The debates are already more important to this primary race than maybe any before it (I mean, because of the debates Gingrich has become the frontrunner in Iowa without even having a proper campaign staff in Iowa) and are going to become increasingly so once D-listers like Santorum drop out and they more or less become Romney vs. Newt slugfests. And in the bizarro Republican world where logic and truth don't matter, and all anyone cares about is how confident you sound and how well you can deliver applause lines, Newt wins. Of course, once Newt exits the insane asylum, things change dramatically.

Like everyone else, I'm rooting for Newt to win the nomination. Anyone who follows American politics and isn't crazy is going to enjoy the schadenfreude once Newt loses by a wide margin and the Yahoo! commenters who harped on about how "DAFFY DUCK COULD BEAT OBAMA" don't know what to do.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1599 on: December 13, 2011, 04:37:14 PM »
I'm pretty bullish on Newt. He doesn't have the money/organization Romney does and there's a good chance of a career-ending scandal or gaffe that puts him out of the race, but if somehow the first doesn't matter as much as people think it does and the second doesn't happen, I think he has the nomination sewn up.

Anyone watching the debate on Saturday knows that Newt is one slick motherfucker when under attack -- the dude somehow turned a defense of his child labor stance into an applause line and despite the entire debate being a Newt pile-on (in which many very justifiable objections to Newt being the nominee were brought up), he came out of it the winner. Romney was smooth (albeit robotic sounding) when delivering talking points, but he sputtered and lost his cool once he started arguing with Newt. The debates are already more important to this primary race than maybe any before it (I mean, because of the debates Gingrich has become the frontrunner in Iowa without even having a proper campaign staff in Iowa) and are going to become increasingly so once D-listers like Santorum drop out and they more or less become Romney vs. Newt slugfests. And in the bizarro Republican world where logic and truth don't matter, and all anyone cares about is how confident you sound and how well you can deliver applause lines, Newt wins. Of course, once Newt exits the insane asylum, things change dramatically.

Like everyone else, I'm rooting for Newt to win the nomination. Anyone who follows American politics and isn't crazy is going to enjoy the schadenfreude once Newt loses by a wide margin and the Yahoo! commenters who harped on about how "DAFFY DUCK COULD BEAT OBAMA" don't know what to do.

What they'll do is, they'll carry on from that point on saying that Daffy Duck did in fact beat Obama, and eventually they will all actually believe it is true.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1600 on: December 13, 2011, 05:00:34 PM »
slick motherfucker
Superchunk should do a song with this title.
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."

cavorting with nudists

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1601 on: December 14, 2011, 02:42:16 PM »
Talk about a tease!!!

Actor Gary Busey is withdrawing his endorsement of Newt Gingrich for president.

"It is not time for me to be endorsing anyone at this time! When there are the two final candidates, then I will endorse," Busey said Wednesday in a statement released through his representative.

Busey endorsed the former speaker's presidential campaign on Saturday in an exclusive interview with The Hill.

"I've never met Newt but I know what he stands for," Busey said.

Asked why Busey was withdrawing his endorsement, the actor's spokesman said Busey "likes" Gingrich but "he is not endorsing anyone at this time."
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1603 on: December 14, 2011, 04:52:39 PM »
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #1604 on: December 14, 2011, 04:58:24 PM »
Yeah, Fox News makes a lot of "errors" that dovetail too nicely with their narrative to actually be errors. Another recent example: