The most depressing thing is that we're now beyond the point where something useful can actually happen.
Romney knows that cutting PBS and the NEA will have exactly no effect on the deficit, much less the debt, but he can't talk about what actually needs to be done because people want their easy ideas and don't want to suffer even the slightest privation. And that's if you completely accept the idea that what the US must do RIGHT NOW is balance the budget.
The president is also hemmed in. He knows that the health care plan is a pretty terrible way to go, worse than either a one-payer system or a strongly private system, but it's the only thing he could get through (and it's better than what's in place now).
American politics is crippled. The next president (or a second-term Obama) will be more popular because the economy will probably be somewhat better, but he (sorry Michele) won't be able to do much to change anything real. If you get Romney you're going to get a bunch of new and stupid rules about abortion and illegal immigration that don't actually do anything. Have fun with that, Tea Party.
Romney will say and do anything to get elected. He's an absolute phony who is concerned only about his own political self-preservation. He won't dare broach that so-called "third rail" of American politics (the trinity of entitlements: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security), at least not while he's in campaign mode.
And like you, I continue to be amused by those individuals that believe by cutting funding to PBS, ending foreign aid and eliminating "waste, fraud and abuse" all of our debt problems will somehow magically disappear. Those things are only a drop in the proverbial bucket; they're only a nominal (and that's being generous) part of the federal budget. If we want to make a significant dent in current and future federal spending outlays, then there has to be some type of
meaningful reform of these government entitlement programs, Medicare in particular. Putting your hands over your ears and screaming "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!" isn't going to solve anything. Some of these Tea Partiers don't seem to understand that. They want to have their cake and eat it too.