As the FOTs resident more-conservative-than-you-but-who-has-still-never-voted-for-a-republican-ever, I am suspicious of your one-voice unanimity in condemning the Ryan pick.
I can't see how Ryan makes more sense than Portman or Rubio, or even Pawlenty. So what if safe Romney goes with a safe pick? That's what he's supposed to do.
I'm not certain, but I think the Ryan pick means Florida, with all its seniors, moves from toss up to leans Obama, which is just about the kiss of death for Romney. Portman might not have won Ohio for Romney, but he couldn't have hurt. Ryan at most puts Wisconsin into play - so what?
They say VPs don't decide elections, but I'd much rather have Rubio, even if he's a bit untested and might piss off the most reactionary conservatives on immigration, stumping for me in Florida than Ryan stumping for me... where? Places I'm already going to win?
Seniors are going to want to kill this guy on his looks alone. Wait till they read up on his plans. Which actually wouldn't hurt them in particular that much, but it's not going to matter.
I don't get it, and I'm glad I don't get it.