Okay, folks - brass tacks time. I need one of you to knit or crotchet me a coogi sweater. Black, red, blue, yellow, the rest... i want to be a rainbow of a man. An extra-small, long-sleeved rainbow of a man.
Cigar box guitars seem to be the thing these days, so in exchange for this sweater, i will make you a cigar box guitar. With as many strings as you want, up to 12. Electric, if need be. I know, a sweater is a lot to knit, but i assure you, this will be a proper guitar, suitable for years of enjoyment.
I reserve the right to make a facsimile box if a suitable one can't be found at the third junk shop i try.
I find your skill set intriguing, especially since I need a new bureau drawer. If only I lived closer to Boston. I have no moustache combs or celluloid, but French lessons I could manage (I'm far too diffident to propose my companionship as a tradable commodity).
I just found a girl for the french, but please let me know if you come across any nice moustache combs.