You guys are way too blessed. BLESSED! So Blessed, that Brian Blessed called and asked what's going on.
Far worse then brokeNYCDE, far worse than Attack Attack (who aren't really that bad if you think of them as America's inaugural Eurovision entry. And at least they provoke laughter), far worse than Asher Roth, Trouble Andrew, anything by Tha Pumpsta, or any of those d-bags.
Ahem.. Ladies, gents, Pepto Bismol down the hatch..
Cosmo Jarvis. "Problems" you see, women are only out to marry guys only to divorce them later in life, and take their money. Domestic violence whatever. Because men have PROOOOOBLEMS OF THEEEEIIR OWN. YEEEE IT'S OOOOOLLL YOOOOOORRR FOOOOOOOLT... oh god, and this Cosmo guy's flow is the WORST WORST, oh lord where's the noose.
What hurts: this guy's got fans. Not ironic fans. real fans. LOTS of them. Fight the real enemy.