Did I mention that it's Grodin? Doesn't it just seem to fit the whole curmudgeonly character he's cultivated? Can't you imagine him squirming over whether to do it or not? At first he probably thought it would be fun, that "Marty" had done it and by "Marty"'s account it had mostly gone well. Grofin probably half-heartedly indicated that he would PROBABLY do the show?
But then it kept rolling around in his head, and he started to think about where his film career went, and really, the conventional wisdom is that "Clifford" was one of the deepest potholes he fell in? Still, maybe it would be fun to go on the show, and tell a few stories, and make fun of the movie?
And then he listened to a few minutes of the archive with "Marty", and this host wasn't making fun of the movie, in fact, he found it hilarious? In fact, had purchased expensive wardrobe from the movie? And then that wheezy guy called and started trying to use "Marty" as his own personal IMDB? And then more people called with equally graceless questions? And Grodin started sweating.
And he pulled out.
I actually pray it's way off, because maybe a Grodin appearance would then be possible, and Grodin on any form of talk show is some of the most amazing entertainment I have ever experienced. But if it's correct, SCREW Grodin. He had a chance to connect with the side of comedy that's actually funny, to be hip by association with G-POT and his horde of comedy professional supporters, and his neurosis threw it overboard. HEAVE ho.
But really, it would be great.