"PS. We feel like these haters are the big dumb, popular jocks ganging up on the little class clown scrub. When they have no idea the scrub is really a highly skilled, deadly, ninja assassin capable of cleaning their fuckin’ clocks."
Maybe the haters are NORMAL ADULTS who could clean his fucking clock because he's a morbidly obese, cigarette-snarfing, booze-guzzling, barbeque-slurping mouthbreather. All one would have to do is wait about, oh, a minute, tops till he ran out of air or the A1 sauce running thru his arteries started to clot.
Again, I love how these morons paint themselves (ha) as wiley little underdogs in some secret cabal, and popular dudes have nothing else on their minds except to smash them. Boo hoo, I think somebody had a bad experience in high school....