On a personal level, it's Ben Folds all the way. Ben Folds Five came along at JUST the right time for me in my adolescence, and I fervently decided that they were My Favorite Band. Ben Folds' solo stuff, though, has - for me, anyway - turned into bad-to-mediocre adult contemporary music that just sounds, for lack of a better word, lazy. There have been a few bright spots ("You Don't Know Me" was a pretty solid single) but overall it's been disappointing to watch the fall.
Also, I'm not a fan of all the "collector's editions" and multiple pressings of CDs and vinyl. When I start collecting an artist on vinyl, 9 time out of 10 I'll try to pick up everything they've released. I mean, $99 for a "collectors edition" of the "Way To Normal" release? That's absurd.