I think the news lady is in the classic predicament of the smart girl who has to hang out with half-smart, half-moronic dudes whose favors she either wants or needs to maintain. Something gets her upset and the dudes are adept at simulaneously encouraging/goading her on and totally undermining the legitimacy of her upsettedness whilst also commandeering those feelings and reformulating them in a more goofy package. Maybe I'm just trying to say that the dudes are more entertainers and the news lady is more of a news lady ("journalist" is the word they kept using). So they know that it's not actually good entertainment to try and burn stuff on air, that's more of a crazy lady thing to do. It's typical of a square, when they get upset and are surrounded by goofballs, to do something way more disturbing or weird than the goofballs would ever do, or to do something as weird as the goofballs would do but which reads as psycho coming from a square like them. Can I overthink this youtube clip more, you think?