Author Topic: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 50 other video sites)  (Read 1278818 times)


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 802
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #600 on: November 28, 2007, 11:19:40 AM »
Tonight's YouTube/Republican debate's gonna be aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwsooooooooooooooooooome...!!

The Democrats Youtube debate back in the summer qualifies as a "Catastrofuck".
Democracy? More like Demo-crazy!

I'll be watching tonight.

Somehow, YouTube already has a clip of what tonight at my house is gonna look like:

If you've seen that episode before, it's as if that kid lifted the dialogue straight from the guy right before where this clip starts (I couldn't find the earlier bit anywhere), though this one's close enough.
"Nozin' Around - the show made BY young adults, FOR young adults!"
Now write me a receipt so I can tip on outta here...


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 216
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #601 on: November 28, 2007, 01:23:28 PM »

A contender for greatest music video of all time.


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Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #602 on: November 28, 2007, 08:16:10 PM »
Curse you, ian!  I'm going to die in two days now.

Oh well.  Easy come, easy go, right?

Chris L

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Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #603 on: November 29, 2007, 01:34:15 PM »
Tonight's YouTube/Republican debate's gonna be aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwsooooooooooooooooooome...!!

It's actually tomorrow night.  Which is good, since I don't want to miss what might be the second most hilarious thing this week, after the Best Show.  

Wrongest prediction in a while.  The only thing more depressing than that debate was finding out this morning that Glenn Beck has a #1 bestselling book out. 

But then this gave me hope:

Barack Obama tells TV Guide that his favorite TV character of all time is "SpongeBob SquarePants, because SpongeBob is the show I watch with my daughters." His favorite TV shows of all time are M*A*S*H and The Wire.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 802
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #604 on: November 29, 2007, 02:01:02 PM »
Wrongest prediction in a while.  The only thing more depressing than that debate was finding out this morning that Glenn Beck has a #1 bestselling book out. 

But then this gave me hope:

Barack Obama tells TV Guide that his favorite TV character of all time is "SpongeBob SquarePants, because SpongeBob is the show I watch with my daughters." His favorite TV shows of all time are M*A*S*H and The Wire.

Yeah - I saw that Glen Beck headline and kinda couldn't even deal with trying to process it.  I just pushed it way back into the subconscious.  It'll be interesting to see how that comes back out in 15 years...

Now write me a receipt so I can tip on outta here...


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Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #605 on: November 29, 2007, 04:42:04 PM »

My biggest pet peeve is.....................................Farts


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2110
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #606 on: November 29, 2007, 06:58:02 PM »
Minnesota's own Tay Zonday sells out



  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 401
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #607 on: November 29, 2007, 07:40:07 PM »

Captions!  Please bring them back.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 802
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #608 on: November 29, 2007, 08:17:36 PM »

Captions!  Please bring them back.

Captions - YES!

But, oof - The Hollies.  I am pro "Bus Stop," "Air That I Breathe," and "He Ain't Heavy," but beyond that, not only are they hacks who jumped on every fashionable train rolling through town, but Graham Nash is one of the most SUPREEEEEEME FWDs of all time, AND, thanks to lines like "You're so - so like a woman to me" in the above number and songs like "Stop, Stop, Stop" (which is essentially about forcing yourself on a belly dancer because ya just can't control yourself), they give Gary Pucket a seriously close run for the "Creepiest Rocker" title.
Now write me a receipt so I can tip on outta here...


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 401
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #609 on: November 29, 2007, 09:30:58 PM »
but beyond that, not only are they hacks who jumped on every fashionable train rolling through town, but Graham Nash is one of the most SUPREEEEEEME FWDs of all time,

Duly noted.  Bit I still do love Magic Woman Touch.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 248
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #610 on: November 29, 2007, 10:22:27 PM »
How can there live music mix sound so good? Every time you ever hear a band play live on tv now
it's like listening to a am radio.
"A woman suspects that her daughter's imaginary friend is a ghost haunting their new home"



  • Space Champion!
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Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #611 on: November 30, 2007, 01:01:11 AM »

"Alright, well, for the sake of this conversation, let's say the book does not exist."

Dorvid Barnas

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Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #612 on: November 30, 2007, 03:50:50 PM »
Keanu Reeves chats with child teddy-bear collectors.


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Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #613 on: November 30, 2007, 04:34:57 PM »
But, oof - The Hollies.  I am pro "Bus Stop," "Air That I Breathe," and "He Ain't Heavy," but beyond that, not only are they hacks who jumped on every fashionable train rolling through town

Come on TL King Midas In Reverse and Carrie Anne are good tunes also. But yeah Nash is a total asshole in person.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2110
Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 2 year old viral internet sensations)
« Reply #614 on: November 30, 2007, 04:44:39 PM »
But, oof - The Hollies.  I am pro "Bus Stop," "Air That I Breathe," and "He Ain't Heavy," but beyond that, not only are they hacks who jumped on every fashionable train rolling through town

Come on TL King Midas In Reverse and Carrie Anne are good tunes also. But yeah Nash is a total asshole in person.

Plus, Jennifer Eccles, Look Through Any Window and We're Through. The Hollies are one of those bands where you have to make your own greatest hits comp. because the 2CD collection has way too much crap on it and the othere ones are missing good songs.