If you haven't seen this yet and you haven't watched wrestling in ages, I can't recommend this enough. This began one of the best angles in history.
THE BACKSTORY: The WWE had this really crappy show called NXT where they pulled up a bunch of guys from their developmental leagues and had them compete for a spot on the WWE roster and a guaranteed title shot. The show was an absolute and total fiasco -- there was no rhyme or reason to anything that happened and it was completely ridiculous.
The winner of NXT was Wade Barrett -- this ultra-smug British dude who was mentored by Chris Jericho. During his first appearance on Raw, he struts down to the ring to distract John Cena, in true wrestling fashion. But then, chaos ensues as fellow NXT competitor Michael Tarver shows up at ringside and is then joined by the rest of the NXT crew, who go on a rampage like none other.
The storyline had some really cool Communist subtext. You have a peasant uprising from the NXTers who thought they were being humiliated by the bourgeois WWE roster. They bonded together and revolted and caused total chaos. But then its leader Wade Barrett became obsessed with his growing power -- he ended up enslaving WWE icon John Cena at one point -- and it morphed into an Animal Farm "Some NXTers are more equal than others" vibe with a counterrevolt led by David Otunga (who is Jennifer Hudson's husband).
The angle sorta petered out after a while but it was one of the best narratives the WWE ever told, IMO.
NXT Rookies (Nexus) invades RAW (HQ)