Hey Gang,
After seeing all the follow-up, I just wanted to clarify something. I am of the thinking that agrees with KickTheBobo, BeTheBoy, and maybe anyone else who is in agreement with them that goes by ____The_____. My being upset was purely caused by the quantitative values of it all. I think the notion of a "regular"-wide ban is a great idea to bring new listeners/callers into the fold, and none of the current regulars could become such if those that preceded them dominated the airwaves. Yes, this is TOM'S SHOW, and he can do WHATEVER HE WANTS (within the confines of legal/radio-safe rules).
It's just that it started as six-months, across-the-board, and then became something else. I didn't personally volunteer myself or Wally to be tossed into the singled out pile, as I felt that seeing that makes it more personal. Bans have usually been something deserved/earned by doing something wrong, like cursing on the air or otherwise raising Tom's ire. I figured I'd be included in this, as well as Wally would be, but it was just kind of baffling that I'd be the very longest, because it then came off as if I was the worst offender (of one sort of offense or another) of the whole lot, despite my very irregular calling pattern.
I'm perfectly fine, now, and I understand and appreciate all the points that have been made since I posted in this thread. I simply used the forum to voice my opinion, as that's what it's for. I kind of like the baseball analogy, as that at least makes sense to me, if that's a thing (I don't follow sports), even though it may not be worth the time and effort trying to make any sense of any of it. There is ZERO entitlement, here, and I certainly don't think I'm better or more deserving of air-time than anybody else. I've barely called as myself because I've never thought I'm that great of a caller, when Wally's not involved. I thought the recent Comic-Con story, coupled with Anthony calling in (a complete surprise to me, orchestrated by H-Man), was a really great and fun one, reminiscent of other tales of self-deprication/embarrassment that have gotten laughs on the air, before.
Seriously, it's all good, now, and I'm sorry if I came off like a drama queen or anything like that. The show and this loyal community of fans/followers/friends does mean a great deal to me. Thanks for hearing me out, and I do appreciate the Breakfast Club reference, especially now that I understand where Laurie fits in.
-Zach (Big Z)