SOA might be pulpy garbage, but I don't think there's a lot of pulp in Justified. I mean, I don't hatemyelf for watching Justified, or think it's sensationalistic. It's more of a "ooh boy, Jeremy Davies as a redneck is awesome!" I'm betting the bulk of that audience -and I don't know how well it does- consists of Deadwood holdovers and people in love with Timothy Olyphant. It's one of my favorite shows on TV, but I'm surprised it's lasted this long.
For Terriers, I blame the terrible marketing. There were billboards EVERYWHERE in LA when it came out, but I still thought it was a show about Dogs until the week before it was cancelled.
Also, I've never been a giant Donal Logue fan. He was great in this, it's the sort of role that's perfect for him, but I would've been 75% likelier to watch the show if I wasn't familiar with most of his other work. But yeah, watch it because it's awesome.