Author Topic: Netflix Instant recommendations thread  (Read 73887 times)


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 117
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #90 on: December 01, 2011, 04:34:17 PM »
I don't know if anyone has made this suggestion on this thread (it's gotten pretty long, and I didn't feel like searching all the way through), but I watched "Punching the Clown" over the weekend, and really liked it.
Yes, it is a sort of "mockumentary" type thing, which has been a bit overdone (just a bit, right?), but give it a shot if you haven't seen it.  There's some good laughs in there.  And heart and stuff.
Sometimes I say stuff here.

wood and iron

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 770
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #91 on: December 01, 2011, 04:49:51 PM »
I highly recommend Machete Maidens Unleashed! It's a documentary about the exploitation films made in the Philippines in the 60s/70s/80s with a heavy emphasis on the Roger Corman movies. Lots of great interviews with a ton of the people who were there (Pam Grier, Roger Corman, Sid Haig, Joe Dante) and those who admire them (John Landis, Danny Peary).

An obvious missing interview is with Johnathan Demme. Of the big directors to come out of the Corman machine, he seems to be the one who went to the Philippines and made an exploitation film there. But sadly, he must have declined to talk.

NB: There are a ton of boobs and fake gore in this movie, as any good documenatry about exploitation movies would have.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 164
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #92 on: December 01, 2011, 05:15:26 PM »
in puppet news, Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas is now on Netflix for anyone who enjoys weeping at puppets performing "The Gift of the Magi" for the holidays.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3629
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #93 on: December 01, 2011, 05:21:57 PM »
I don't have Netflix, but I've been told that the terrific TV show Terriers is now available on Netflix Instant.


  • Guest
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #94 on: December 01, 2011, 05:26:49 PM »
I don't have Netflix, but I've been told that the terrific TV show Terriers is now available on Netflix Instant.

This is indeed a terrific show. It's a crime that it wasn't renewed for a second season.

wood and iron

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 770
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #95 on: December 01, 2011, 05:29:42 PM »
I'll third the Terriers recommendation.

It was a show that didn't have the big pulpy hook to market it like Justified or Sons of Anarchy.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 164
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #96 on: December 01, 2011, 05:47:45 PM »
SOA might be pulpy garbage, but I don't think there's a lot of pulp in Justified. I mean, I don't hatemyelf for watching Justified, or think it's sensationalistic. It's more of a "ooh boy, Jeremy Davies as a redneck is awesome!" I'm betting the bulk of that audience -and I don't know how well it does- consists of Deadwood holdovers and people in love with Timothy Olyphant. It's one of my favorite shows on TV, but I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

For Terriers, I blame the terrible marketing. There were billboards EVERYWHERE in LA when it came out, but I still thought it was a show about Dogs until the week before it was cancelled.

Also, I've never been a giant Donal Logue fan. He was great in this, it's the sort of role that's perfect for him, but I would've been 75% likelier to watch the show if I wasn't familiar with most of his other work. But yeah, watch it because it's awesome.

wood and iron

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 770
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #97 on: December 01, 2011, 05:52:40 PM »
Please don't misunderstand me. I love Justified, too, and do think it's much better than SOA. I don't use the term pulp with the aim of derision.

But the source of Justified is Elmore Leonard, one of the best pulp crime writers of the past 20 years.

My point was that Terriers didn't have the one sentence hook like SOA or Justified.
SOA: Modern day biker gang attempt to keep their criminal enterprise going.
Justified: US Marshall who is quick on the trigger has to go back to his hometown and deal with crime.
Terriers: Two dudes investigate crimes. Not exactly a big hook.

But yeah, Terriers was great.

Shaggy 2 Grote

  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #98 on: December 01, 2011, 05:57:32 PM »
I thought it was a reality show about dogs until just now. Seriously.
Oh, good heavens. I didn’t realize. I send my condolences out to the rest of the O’Connor family.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 851
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #99 on: December 04, 2011, 10:03:07 PM »
Bill Cunningham New York

Just watched this and rated it five stars.
"You want me to recognize you and I won't. I won't acknowledge you! I deny you. So you keep begging and begging. The door is slammed on you. I want nothing to do with you. You will die unrecognized by me."
-Tom Scharpling

Steve of Bloomington

  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #100 on: December 05, 2011, 09:38:51 AM »
I don't know if anyone has made this suggestion on this thread (it's gotten pretty long, and I didn't feel like searching all the way through), but I watched "Punching the Clown" over the weekend, and really liked it.
Yes, it is a sort of "mockumentary" type thing, which has been a bit overdone (just a bit, right?), but give it a shot if you haven't seen it.  There's some good laughs in there.  And heart and stuff.

I'll second that recommendation. I watched it last week and really enjoyed it.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3323
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #101 on: December 05, 2011, 10:38:31 AM »
I don't know if anyone has made this suggestion on this thread (it's gotten pretty long, and I didn't feel like searching all the way through), but I watched "Punching the Clown" over the weekend, and really liked it.
Yes, it is a sort of "mockumentary" type thing, which has been a bit overdone (just a bit, right?), but give it a shot if you haven't seen it.  There's some good laughs in there.  And heart and stuff.

I'll second that recommendation. I watched it last week and really enjoyed it.

If you're interested and didn't know, Punching the Clown star Henry Phillips was on WTF last week.
I'll probably go into the wee hours.

Hugman 3.0

  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #102 on: December 05, 2011, 07:10:01 PM »
Ken Kesey's Magic Trip is up there now. Been looking forward to watching that, but was too chicken to spend money at the thee-ate-er.
I also watched part one of AND THIS IS FREE. The thing about Maxwell St.  If you are a fan of rough'n'tumble blues and gospel, this is a must-see. If discussions about whether or not a shop is going to sell kosher goods is up your alley stick around for part 2.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 273
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #103 on: December 05, 2011, 09:38:24 PM »
I don't know if anyone has made this suggestion on this thread (it's gotten pretty long, and I didn't feel like searching all the way through), but I watched "Punching the Clown" over the weekend, and really liked it.
Yes, it is a sort of "mockumentary" type thing, which has been a bit overdone (just a bit, right?), but give it a shot if you haven't seen it.  There's some good laughs in there.  And heart and stuff.

I second this recommendation.  'Punching the Clown' is very funny.
"Heave Ho!"



  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 164
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #104 on: December 06, 2011, 01:30:47 PM »
a whole boatload of stuff made available today, including Spaced and the 2nd season of The League, which I can't remember if it was already on there or not.

checking instantwatcher is fun, but it's shocking to see the garbage/gems ratio as it arrives.