Author Topic: If GG Allin went back in time and replaced (or switched places?) with Elvis...  (Read 10839 times)

Nicholas Tanek

  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 101
Remember when Tom asked "What if GG Allin went back in time and replaced (or switched places?) with Elvis when he did Ed Sullivan?"

If Kevin, or you may know him a GG Allin went back in time and took Elvis's place....
- Andy Kaufman's act would a little different
- What would hip-hop be like?
- Would electronic music sound like those songs on "South Park" in that one episode where Stan finally grows up?
- I think the dumb Juggalo culture may change
- Most importantly, what happens when GG Allin meets Richard Nixon?
- What happens to the bands who rebelled against Elvis in some way.
- How would you answer that question, "Are you an Elvis person or a Beatles person?"
This last one is for you....
- What would this do to Led Zeppelin?

The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself
by Nicholas Tanek

Chipped Black Nail Polish
by Nicholas Tanek


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 574
An altogether different persona for Nicholas Cage.

And this guy's obsession certainly takes a disturbing turn:
Vandalism! Sick vandalism! When I get my hands on the little punks I'm gonna hang them by their Buster Browns!


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 51
Would the time jump also have an affect on GG Allin? Would he have also gotten into sequenced jumpsuits in the early 70s?


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 113
I said these on twitter during the show. They're not the best but I'm putting them here for posterity.

* We would have the cultural reference points "Fat GG" and "Skinny GG."
* Rather than on one, GG Allin would probably die in a toilet.


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 60
I feel like certain Las Vegas wedding chapels (and casinos all over come to think of it) would be much messier endeavors.
Ya seen the wizard of oz?
I'll house you.

cavorting with nudists

  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 1883
On the original Sullivan appearances, rather than training the camera above the waist, they probably would have just tilted the camera up to the ceiling. And turned the sound off. This would be the aboveground cooptation of John Cage's 4'33", (1952) and teenagers across the land would have whispered to each other, Did you see that?.  Across the nation, in every town, girls would have started fainting and speaking in tongues when exposed to the spectacle of nothing in particular happening except the random coughing and tittering of fellow attendees at the concert hall, and guys with shaved heads and goatees would try to get in the gravy train by picking up their guitars and doing nothing for the length of a song--OK, I think I've milked that joke as far as it can go.
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 4099
This would be the aboveground cooptation of John Cage's 4'33", (1952) and teenagers across the land would have whispered to each other, Did you see that?.  Across the nation, in every town, girls would have started fainting and speaking in tongues when exposed to the spectacle of nothing in particular happening except the random coughing and tittering of fellow attendees at the concert hall, and guys with shaved heads and goatees would try to get in the gravy train by picking up their guitars and doing nothing for the length of a song.

Talking Seattle grunge band Todd Snider
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 152
G.G.'s film career would be fascinating. His military service even more so. Elvis served in a tank battalion, right? Tiny vials of G.G's "sweat". How would G.G.'s tombstone be misspelled?

Rumors that G.G. is still alive and working at a Burger King in Kalamazoo don't see all that weird.


  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Posts: 6
I actually think this could be quite plausible if we're talking about "Jabbers"-era GG ... if that was most people's first exposure to rock'n'roll, that would have worked out pretty well ... possibly even better than life actually did.

If we're talking about "poo-flinging, woman-fighting, etc"-era GG, then rock'n'roll as we know it wouldn't have stood a chance.
Twitter: @Cack_A_Roche


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 289
what about the band Elvis Hitler? would they be GG Hitler? not sure if that really has the same ring.
i mention this because Tom just mentioned Disgraceland and that's the name of EH's first album...


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 574
if the Velvet Elvis is a peanut butter and banana sandwich I hate to imagine what the Velvet GG would be.
Vandalism! Sick vandalism! When I get my hands on the little punks I'm gonna hang them by their Buster Browns!


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 152
G.G.'s Graceland would have to be the Ice Pick in Muskegon.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 199
Jailhouse Rock would be a Samuel Fuller movie where GG gets thrown in prison after he ________ with ___________________________ in the face.


  • Guest
It's 1985 in the new timeline and your mom takes you to Chuck E. Cheese for a birthday party with pizza. While your friends are drawn to the Time Pilot '84 machine and the skee-ball prizes, you wander into a low-lit room covered in maroon carpeting. On a stage, frozen in the shadows, stands an animatronic dog/man. All you can make out is the aviator glasses draped over his snout.

You put in three tokens. The eyes open, the strobes flash, and you realize that the dog is dressed to resemble G.G. Allin, that man whose face is on the covers of many of your dad's old records, and also the figure from most of your nightmares. Before going dark again he performs "You'll Never Tame Me."


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 6213
On the other hand, would Elvis have been the protagonist of this story?

GG Allin " My mind is a machine gun, my body the bullets, and the target is the audience."

After all this time, I can't tell whose haircut is more offensive: G.G. or the newscasters.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!