I'd love to read the Bond reviews, especially if the Niven/Allen Casino Royale and Never Say Never Again are included. Even though I feel pretty terrible asking someone to watch those. The Man With The Golden Gun is the existing Bond movie I'd most like to see remade with Craig, because the concept is great, there's room to expand on the whole Steranko-Nick-Fury-ness of it, and I'd really like to see Daniel Craig fight Peter Dinklage, if that's at all possible. Doesn't even have to be in a movie, but that seems like the most tasteful way of making it happen.
Other blog review suggestions: Head, without question. In the realm of candy to be reviewed, while neither is new, I think there is much to critically explore about the underrated Whatchamacallit and the Take Five bar, the 2003-2004 Los Angeles Lakers of candy bars.