Every time I hear Brian Lehrer's voice I want to throw him out a window. I also hear from people that play work softball with WNYC that he's a whiny bad sport, but that's hearsay.
I never understand what the hell they're talking about on Prairie Home Companion, but I do know that on long van rides with my Midwestern in-laws, it's reassuring and easy to fall asleep to, and a decent alternative to three hours of small talk.
I listened to Car Talk once in 2005, when I was just checking out the top ten list of iTunes podcasts, and erased every memory of it. I am pretty sure I didn't like it.
This American Life is OK. I listen to it during the school year, when I have to commute, but it doesn't make the cut over the summer, when I actually have to devote time in order to keep up with talk radio. The only four talk shows I stick with all year round are Democracy Now, KCRW's The Business, 7SD, and some show involving mirth, music and mayhem.