I don't get Takashi Murakami. How is his stuff different from Manga again? Is it just recontextualized, like a visually assaulting, infantile, Japanese version of a readymade?
Quote from: Jason Dylan Grote on April 14, 2008, 11:32:17 PMI don't get Takashi Murakami. How is his stuff different from Manga again? Is it just recontextualized, like a visually assaulting, infantile, Japanese version of a readymade?Pretty much. I think you do get it, sadly. Also, he's popular because people who don't usually go for art "understand" it. Because they also "understand" buying shit at The Disney Store.
Wii, and Wii parties. I hate all videogames anyway, but this is too much. No, I don't want to go over the your house to play Wii tennis...but I do want to play tennis. There's an empty park next door. Let's play!Hey, you know what sounds like more fun than going over to your apartment to play Wii bowling? Actually going bowling. I'll drive.
Or, are we seeing the people who think they're more important than they really are and need to remain nameless?
Nothing '08 about my "I Don't Get It". Just the same stuff that's bugged me for years.MST3K -- Maybe I haven't seen enough to judge. What little I'd seen in the past wasn't funny. Should I give it another chance? Should I just move on?
Other things I don't get:- Pizza Hut Orea Pizza thing
I used to think pretty highly of all the FOTs. Now I know that I'm surrounded by fucking DIRTBAGS... I'm just not sure who they are, because they're so fucking PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE that they need a blind forum to let their scummy, nerdy little selves flourish.
Also, the brilliant new Weezer album.
F-O-T-Chan. I don't get it. And that's... [pant]... that's cool. Nothing's forcing me to look at it, except my own less admirable qualities.