Author Topic: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show  (Read 2828742 times)


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 111
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10485 on: October 30, 2013, 05:25:12 AM »
I'm so happy that I found the Best Show when I did. It's been great being a part of this quasi-imaginary club for the past several years.

Thank you Tom & co.!


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 217
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10486 on: October 30, 2013, 07:03:54 AM »
Yes. Thank you, Tom. It's been amazing.

This will make WFMU's 2014 marathon really, really hard. Nachum better bring his top game!

No Holiday show this year, then.  :'(
FOTpediaAP Mike Day! – I feed you garbage!


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 497
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10487 on: October 30, 2013, 08:17:07 AM »
The show will end.
But I will stay an FOT for life.
(And there hasn't been much in my life for which I can actually maintain that level of commitment.)
[If Tom decides/has the opportunity to convert the Best Show to a format that can be monetized, I will be right there cracking my wallet open.]

Thank you Tom, Jon, Mike, all the callers, all the FOTs.
It's a bummer, but it is hard to complain about something that has basically been sustained for 13 years by nothing else than a few people's dedication to make it great. And it was free.
It's a truly great achievement.

dave from knoxville

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10488 on: October 30, 2013, 08:17:25 AM »
Tom, you know I love you and yours, and I wish you more success than you even want. All the best, and please keep in touch. You have done so many great things for me over the years, and that surprise you threw me 5 or 6 weeks back was the high point of my recovery. I only regret that Andy missed you by a week.

AP_Mike, all love and respect to you as well. I am hopeful that you will find a public forum of some sort. You're a unique voice and personality that needs to be heard. Or arrested.

Everyone connected with the show, even tangentially, I will need your cell phones numbers post haste. You can DM me, or just leave them here in public.


dave from knoxville

  • Space Champion!
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10489 on: October 30, 2013, 08:20:14 AM »
I like this. I will take the FOT for life pledge. Anyone have a button maker?

The show will end.
But I will stay an FOT for life.
(And there hasn't been much in my life for which I can actually maintain that level of commitment.)
[If Tom decides/has the opportunity to convert the Best Show to a format that can be monetized, I will be right there cracking my wallet open.]

Thank you Tom, Jon, Mike, all the callers, all the FOTs.
It's a bummer, but it is hard to complain about something that has basically been sustained for 13 years by nothing else than a few people's dedication to make it great. And it was free.
It's a truly great achievement.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2397
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10490 on: October 30, 2013, 08:48:02 AM »
The show will end.
But I will stay an FOT for life.
(And there hasn't been much in my life for which I can actually maintain that level of commitment.)
[If Tom decides/has the opportunity to convert the Best Show to a format that can be monetized, I will be right there cracking my wallet open.]

Thank you Tom, Jon, Mike, all the callers, all the FOTs.
It's a bummer, but it is hard to complain about something that has basically been sustained for 13 years by nothing else than a few people's dedication to make it great. And it was free.
It's a truly great achievement.

Excellent post. I agree with all of it.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.

Michael Williamson

  • Plantar Fasciitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10491 on: October 30, 2013, 09:24:25 AM »
I've been on this board for a couple years, been a listener for even more years and never posted.  I'm terribly sad that The Best Show is leaving but also so proud of what Tom and co have achieved.  I will miss this show more than I can even say - it's been a favorite part of my week for so, so many years.  Good luck to Tom and everyone else involved.

Angry Jim

  • Plantar Fasciitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10492 on: October 30, 2013, 10:09:15 AM »
Man, that was the most bittersweet episode ever. Jon's call was amazing, Tom played my band's song, sandwiched between sad Lou reed tributes and the sad sad end speech. Tom, (and Jon and Mike and everybody) you know we love you. Whatever you gotta do. Thanks a million for all the laughs.

So, Tom accidentally played the wrong track. No big deal. It was still super cool of him and he said the nicest things in the world about our lowly band, Paper Fleet. Just wanna put it out there that "your old man" had nothin' to do with the best show in case you were confused about the lyrics, 'dere.

Here is a link a free download of the other song he though he was playing, "You Don't Judge Me" and a zip file with a all the previous paper fleet album tracks for you FOT's because you all are awesome:
and a flyer for our show/record release this friday:

Thanks everybody and Thanks Tom!!!


  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Posts: 33
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10493 on: October 30, 2013, 10:35:50 AM »
The show will end.
But I will stay an FOT for life.
(And there hasn't been much in my life for which I can actually maintain that level of commitment.)
[If Tom decides/has the opportunity to convert the Best Show to a format that can be monetized, I will be right there cracking my wallet open.]

Thank you Tom, Jon, Mike, all the callers, all the FOTs.
It's a bummer, but it is hard to complain about something that has basically been sustained for 13 years by nothing else than a few people's dedication to make it great. And it was free.
It's a truly great achievement.
I agree with all this, and I'll add that I hope everyone here and everyone who listens keeps giving to WFMU. The Best Show always raised a ton of money for the station, and I hope its absence doesn't mean bad things for such an amazing station.
Yeah.  Why?


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 78
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10494 on: October 30, 2013, 10:45:28 AM »
I hope everyone here and everyone who listens keeps giving to WFMU. The Best Show always raised a ton of money for the station, and I hope its absence doesn't mean bad things for such an amazing station.

But let's be honest....  WFMU is going to take a massive hit.  The Best Show is easily their #1 fundraising show.  Without it, their budget gets a whole lot smaller.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 217
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10495 on: October 30, 2013, 11:23:41 AM »
It's probably not the right thread but I'll put this here anyhow.

I am (weirdly?) proud of Tom. I know this show means a lot to him and I know he knows that it means a lot to a lot of other people very close to him. He's decided to let it go in order to move on in his own life. Without knowing the details of all of that: That's hardly an easy choice, and it is certainly an adult choice. We all know Tom will continue to work hard, just on other things (and prolly for a living wage), and they will continue to be amazing, wonderful things. We will be able to continue to enjoy them. And more than likely Tom will stay connected to WFMU and all its great people, so as wistful and sad this all is, I am happy to speculate that it's no goodbye for good and I wish Tom all the best with his future endeavors.
FOTpediaAP Mike Day! – I feed you garbage!


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 55
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10496 on: October 30, 2013, 11:53:38 AM »
I have only been listening to the show live for around 6 months but it's sad to hear this news. I am understanding now the full scope and depth of its brilliance. I have to say, the Wurster call on last night's episode was really superb. The Bad Companying was executed with scientific precision. Everything has been said by others. Best Show is going out in a white hot blaze of glory right now. It is good to know that the genius of the Best Show will only be appreciated more as time goes on and I cannot wait to see what S & W do next.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 4099
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10497 on: October 30, 2013, 12:01:14 PM »
I've been on this board for a couple years, been a listener for even more years and never posted.  I'm terribly sad that The Best Show is leaving but also so proud of what Tom and co have achieved.  I will miss this show more than I can even say - it's been a favorite part of my week for so, so many years.  Good luck to Tom and everyone else involved.
A couple years and you have 2 posts?
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 574
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10498 on: October 30, 2013, 12:13:02 PM »
I'm so happy that I found the Best Show when I did. It's been great being a part of this quasi-imaginary club for the past several years.

Thank you Tom & co.!

Indeed.  I found TBSw/TS in a sad period of my life and it helped get me through it.  It sustained me thereafter and shielded me from all the chumps and mediocrity peddlers in pop culture and society at large.  My lifelong allegiance to Tom and Jon and all who've put this thing together and sustained it. Thank you thank you thank you! 

Last night's announcement was something I sort of expected would come (like many I'm sure) at any time within the past few years and is more than reasonable to move onward to other endeavors.  I just hope (and on the proverbial bended-knee, pray) that Tom, Jon and company find another medium to share their talent and insight.

Have faith, FOT diaspora. Here's a little uplifting speech from "Full Metal Jacket" re-formatted:

This is my rifle Best Show. There are many other s like it shows, but this one is mine The Best Show.
My rifle The Best Show is my best friend. It is my life.
(and this is where a little 'taking down a notch' might be wise)
I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true.
I must shoot straighter than my enemy outwit and outlast the chumps, who is are trying to kill barge me.
I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God Tom I swear this creed: my rifle and myself The Best Show and the FOTs are defenders of my country, we are the masters of our enemy the chumps. we are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until there is no enemy are no more chumps, but peace. Amen.
Vandalism! Sick vandalism! When I get my hands on the little punks I'm gonna hang them by their Buster Browns!

Epic Soundtracks

  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 417
Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #10499 on: October 30, 2013, 12:27:51 PM »
Someone over at ILX posted that Tom is going to work on a Chris Gethard show for IFC, no idea if it's true....let's buy the VU LP box set for Tom as a going away present! I tried to PM a couple people but it wouldn't take.