
Mad Men: Which tier?

Tier 1
43 (51.2%)
Tier 2
28 (33.3%)
Tier 3
6 (7.1%)
Tier 4
7 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 81

Author Topic: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?  (Read 44428 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #240 on: September 06, 2010, 10:27:57 PM »
Hamm absolutely crushed it in this most recent episode.
I'll probably go into the wee hours.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #241 on: September 06, 2010, 10:30:37 PM »
Problem: I can't watch Elizabeth Moss without thinking about Xenu.
Have you tried watching in the nude?

Come on.  She went through a lot when she was kidnapped by the Qumari terrorists.

Joe Rogaine

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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #242 on: September 07, 2010, 01:53:53 AM »
What does Peggy say to Don at the bar? "I try not to  ... but then [mumble] comes up out of nowhere ... [pig?] [reynolds?]"

I couldn't tell either but read online this morning that it was "...at playgrounds."  Which begs the question, what is she doing hanging around playgrounds?  Giving free stress tests?

Classic episode, by the way.  They should really release Roger Sterling's book as a promotional tie-in to the series, like with Laura Palmer's diary.

Aha. That makes sense. I figured maybe we weren't supposed to hear it. I'd rather hear mumbling than obviously dubbed-over dialogue anyway.

The last three episodes have been fantastic. There was as much action in the last episode as the whole first season.

Anybody else catch the Lyle Evans reference? Brilliant.

Were you one of the people that made Lyle Evans a Google trend?

Barry Egan

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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #243 on: September 07, 2010, 02:10:14 AM »
Hamm absolutely crushed it in this most recent episode.


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 66
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #244 on: September 07, 2010, 09:10:09 AM »
Hamm absolutely crushed it in this most recent episode.

That he did. So what will the Peggy dynamic be moving forward? Does he do the Draper ignore and move forward, or does Peggy becomes his new mommy stand-in?


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 703
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #245 on: September 07, 2010, 09:17:06 AM »
Classic episode, by the way.  They should really release Roger Sterling's book as a promotional tie-in to the series, like with Laura Palmer's diary.

Sterling's book should also be written by Lynch's daughter. I would settle, though, if they just keep "I always wanted chocolate ice cream, but my mother made us eat vanilla" in the Previously On... segment for every episode of the rest of the series.

I'm going to be massively disappointed if they brought in some ringer to do Don's throw up noises and it wasn't Hamm himself. I should have checked the credits for a "Sick Whitman ... Frank Welker" credit.

Other things I hope they have Don predict in 1965:

-"Look it's your Festival, but this is the 1960s, and people are ready for change. You tell this kid that if he wants to plug in,  the people are going to plug in with him."
-"I want Harry on a plane back out to Los Angeles this afternoon. You didn't see this show, Bert. It...I...I'm telling you, we're living in a post-Lost In Space world now, a world where every television show will have a robot, and our clients will only advertise on programs with robots, machine men or automatons!"
-"His name is Poppin' Fresh! I'll tell you what, Pete, if people just start calling him the Pillsbury Doughboy, I'll throw myself out of this office window in two seasons."
This may be the year I will disappear.

not that clay

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 572
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #246 on: September 07, 2010, 10:51:45 AM »

Were you one of the people that made Lyle Evans a Google trend?

Almost. I didn't google "Lyle Evans" the first time because I figured it was just a throwaway line to show that Roger is older than everybody else and people didn't get his references. The second time it was mentioned, in the tape for his autobiography, I figured it was some famous quack doctor. That's when I googled it, and what I found was a bunch of articles about people googling it. So now we know what Roger meant when he was talking about Honda -- we might as well have a doctor cut off our balls. It's like a callback in reverse.

Arrested Development did that too. They had a bunch of hidden jokes about Buster losing his hand before he lost it. It's like a bonus for people who watch it a second time.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #247 on: September 07, 2010, 12:35:11 PM »
I just finished watching the first two seasons of Mad Men. I didn't think that it could possibly live up to the hype. I was wrong. It is as good as advertised. It's superbly written and superbly acted. Just a fantastic show.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 609
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #248 on: September 09, 2010, 04:19:00 PM »
Hamm absolutely crushed it in this most recent episode.

That he did. So what will the Peggy dynamic be moving forward? Does he do the Draper ignore and move forward, or does Peggy becomes his new mommy stand-in?

He was as amazing in that episode as the writing was. I think at the very least he'll just stop treating her like garbage at work.
You look like a really healthy Arthy Lang.

Joe Rogaine

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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #249 on: September 10, 2010, 04:59:35 AM »
I just finished watching the first two seasons of Mad Men. I didn't think that it could possibly live up to the hype. I was wrong. It is as good as advertised. It's superbly written and superbly acted. Just a fantastic show.

I think this season might just be the best one, at least so far.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #250 on: September 15, 2010, 08:29:23 AM »
Yeah, I think the show is getting better.



  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 66
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #251 on: September 15, 2010, 09:06:54 AM »
Geebus, Joan might as well have been wielding a blade at the end of the last episode. I almost got misty when she broke down in front of her husband. She's sooo lonely. BTW, was it just me or were the comments made by the creative kid they heave-ho'd borderline criminally offensive?


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 238
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #252 on: September 15, 2010, 07:34:08 PM »
I couldn't tell if the latest episode was really bad or not.

Was it?

I think it was.

But maybe it wasn't?


  • Guest
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #253 on: September 15, 2010, 07:58:40 PM »
I couldn't tell if the latest episode was really bad or not.

Was it?

I think it was.

But maybe it wasn't?

Allow me to clarify. Voiceover=terrible, Don=weirdly floppy-looking whenever they tell him to be anything other than stern, Peggy/Joan awesomeness=awesome.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 238
Re: POLL: MAD MEN: Which tier?
« Reply #254 on: September 15, 2010, 08:07:12 PM »
I like that Don can't be anything but stern or selfishly emotional. It was also missing Roger.
I told my gal that this was Don's cleaning-up-my-act episode. She replied: NOOOOOOO!

It may have been the pool and the voiceover. It felt A LOT like one of those wishy-washy season 2 episodes. It's still an excellent show.