"You know it BROTHA!"And all variations of "brother," except in the literal, actual sense.Who started this nonsense?
Quote from: Mark in Helsinki on April 01, 2010, 03:34:33 AM"You know it BROTHA!"And all variations of "brother," except in the literal, actual sense.Who started this nonsense?In movies and TV i've always seen monks and religious types use it as a nearly exclusive way of referring to one another. But I think the crappy casual usage you're talking about was made extra crappy for you by dumb North Americans. I wonder if it's roots are in that other stuff though or not...I hate it too, but not NEARLY as much as I hate...Hey BRAH!
would or do?
Hate is too strong for this point, but the whole thing is so minor I can't create a new thread for it.This just bugs me .The expression "What the ... ? ", specifically when used in children's TV programming.There is no young-child-appropriate end to that expression - WHY is it used SO often in kid shows?