It blows me away how self-important a lot of the twats on twitter can be. Two examples of how the Social Media people (read: PR types) are trying to flex their muscles:
I just read a 6 paragraph blog post about how outraged someone is that the best local coffee shop has turned off the power to their outlets so that people don't sit there all day (shame on me for reading it.) Keep in mind, this coffee shop is a no-nonsense kind of place that sells themselves as such AND they still have free wifi, they just don't want you setting up camp for so long that you have to recharge your laptop. The coffee shop doesn't sell itself as a laid back place where you're welcome to hang out, and no one even questions that their coffee is the best in the area. The impression I got from reading this shithead's blog post is that he's more upset that they never responded to his complaint via @reply on twitter (newsflash: all the other PR idiots were OUTRAGED that the coffee shop wouldn't respond. IT'S A PR CATASTROPHE!!!!)
We have a very good local taco truck/restaurant that prides itself on making everything in house and fresh every day. This place is good. Like Rick Bayless invited the owners to his house to cook dinner for him good. Well, one day one of these Social Media idiots gets a bone in their chicken taco. She goes up to the counter and tells them, asking for her meal to be comp'ed, they said they'd give her another taco, but they weren't giving her any money back. She proceeds to trash them on Twitter, talking about how they didn't offer her anything and how she wanted an apology or she would continue to trash them. Their public response was "We use fresh chicken, occasionally you'll get a bone. If you don't like it, eat at Chili's." Public support for the taco shop was huge and eventually all the other PR types that had lined up behind the complained showed their true colors and turned on her because her side wasn't popular.
So, really, I'm bitching about PR people and not twitter people, but the two are kind of synonymous in OKC.