Author Topic: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?  (Read 4567 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2008, 04:49:11 PM »
It's not unwatchable.

(It does some of the really ignorant "Hey Christians, if you hate gays why don't you follow the entire canon of Jewish law" business, which bugs me.  An informed Christian-bashing is a more effective Christian-bashing.)

Could you explain the distinction? I'd like to understand, and I don't see it. To my mind, the Bible says a lot of things that seem completely crazy. Its interdictions against homosexuality fall into that category. I'm not sure how that is simple-minded, and I'd like to understand.

I'm not a believing Christian, I just find its history and development interesting.  

The New Testament explicitly says that the letter of Jewish law (contained in the Old Testament) need not be followed by Christians.  This applies to dietary restrictions and circumcision and most everything ritual-y.  Galatians and Romans deal with this.

At the same time, the New Testament itself contains anti-homosexual language (Romans 1:26).  And it's only the ritual nature of the Jewish law, not moral teachings or the law's "spirit," which Christians can disregard.

When the Bible tells you to ignore an earlier bit of the Bible, you're not picking and choosing by doing just that. If you want to tell a Christian that he's being inconsistent in his own faith, you could use a  complex anti-law pro-spirit argument that shows how Paul's writings need to be treated the same way as he treated the Old Testament, which is feasible.  (By the way, Paul wrote Romans and Galatians before the gospels we have today were written.  The earliest Christians didn't need a magic book.) Certainly the bulk of the teachings of the New Testament outweigh a few offhand remarks.

And if someone wants to go an an anti-Christian crusade, he'll have a better time of it if he actually understands what it is that Christians believe.

John Junk 2.0

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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2008, 05:43:52 PM »
In Biblical times and today, shellfish is almost never the right choice.


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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2008, 05:53:34 PM »
That statement is eight kinds of nuts, JJ.

John Junk 2.0

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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2008, 06:00:39 PM »
That statement is eight kinds of nutz, JJ.

Here's nine more


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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2008, 06:05:16 PM »

P.S. This shellfish talk catches me at a sensitive moment:  it is scallop season, and the wicked developer next door has a sign set up offering to buy scallops for $6.75, which means the retail price is far too high for me to justify.  In years past, I could count on one fisherman or the other to give me a free pound or two, but I'm out of those loops now.  I did think of putting up a sign of my own offering to buy two pounds of scallops for $13.50 (heck, I'd even go as high as $15), but then the WD would probably accuse me of interfering with his business and hire some lackey to burn me out.  So I'll probably just sit here and covet.  Which, come to think of it, is one of the seven deadly sins, so maybe that biblical injunction has some merit after all.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2008, 07:20:53 PM »

P.S. This shellfish talk catches me at a sensitive moment:  it is scallop season, and the wicked developer next door has a sign set up offering to buy scallops for $6.75, which means the retail price is far too high for me to justify.  In years past, I could count on one fisherman or the other to give me a free pound or two, but I'm out of those loops now.  I did think of putting up a sign of my own offering to buy two pounds of scallops for $13.50 (heck, I'd even go as high as $15), but then the WD would probably accuse me of interfering with his business and hire some lackey to burn me out.  So I'll probably just sit here and covet.  Which, come to think of it, is one of the seven deadly sins, so maybe that biblical injunction has some merit after all.

So is pride. Why? Isn't it a good thing to be proud? I think of it as analogous to having self-esteem, and therefore a good thing in most cases. Of course, having pride can be a bad thing, resulting in egomaniacal behavior in some individuals, nationalism or ethnocentrism in groups, or extreme tastelessness at gay pride parades. Other than those, why is it a deadly sin? Oh, Christianity, you confound me.

I hope you get some good scallops at a good price, Sarah.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2008, 07:32:20 PM »
I have committed eating shellfish in my heart several times today.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2008, 08:47:35 PM »
Surely there are worse sins, yesno. But this from a man whose profile reads "leave no child unsliced"? Is that an homage to Spike? Whatever the case, I love it.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2008, 08:53:08 PM »
Surely there are worse sins, yesno. But this from a man whose profile reads "leave no child unsliced"? Is that an homage to Spike? Whatever the case, I love it.

MARKY: You know, it's my experience that kids are always great at scrounging up food.

SCHARPLING: Scrounging up food.

MARKY: Yeah. I mean, there's pizza places all over town, which leads me to my next thing.


MARKY: My Pizza Voucher Program.

SCHARPLING: (chuckling) Pizza Voucher Program.

MARKY: Yeah, I got the best slogan for it, too.

SCHARPLING: Okay, what is your slogan for your Pizza Voucher Program?


SCHARPLING: (laughing) Leave ... Okay. Are you sure that ... it sounds you're saying you want to slice children.

MARKY: No, I wanna give 'em slices. And drumsticks, too, 'cause what parent don't want their kid to play drums?

SCHARPLING: Alright ... fair enough.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2008, 12:29:09 AM »
Margaret Cho:  hotter or funnier?

Two-way tie for last.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 123
Re: Anyone seen Prop 8 the Musical on Funny or Die?
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2008, 01:34:17 AM »
it made me laugh.  jack black is awesome.  it looked like they were having fun.  even if i really don't like gay people very much.  why does everyone hate verything so much?  what are some funny videos to watch?