Hey Steve, my initial tone sounded way more angry than I intended. Apologies for that.
That said.. Free? Really? We're comparing an all-boy band in England from over 40 years ago against one L.A. girl's parents today spending money for her music video? You lost me. If you had brought up The Runaways, at a mere 35 years ago, that could have been a more apt comparison. Except a) Rebecca is clearly not being sexually exploited by anybody within the video, even if these Ark producers have done shady things with other young people in other videos (and yeah, I'm not going to watch all those videos to see if that's the case), b) The Runaways, all awful ethics and abuse aside courtesy of Kim Fowley, were GOOD.
..and at this point, I'm going to step back because it was obvious from the start of the thread, we each have a different take on what The Worst Music is.. for me, it has to be not only aesthetically bad (which is really easy to find), but also ethically bad, and done nonetheless by those who should have clearly known better. The music and/or video should be judged alone, though. Part of debating Bad Music is all the internal conflicts and conditions we discover and place on ourselves.
I still stand by my Kosmo Jarvis submission from months ago in this thread.