Perhaps you've seen the show on G4 called "Human Wrecking Balls", where two dim-bulb brothers break entire buildings/boats/carnivals using only brute force.
This is one of the best Bad Idea For A TV Show shows of all time. Everytime I see even a little bit of this, I feel compelled to go around talking like these two goons for hours. I hope it stays on forever and they have to do things like wreck a partially active nuclear power plant. Or wreck a police station that is still in use, so it could be a half hour of the two of them spin-kicking police lockers while a bunch of cops try to restrain them with mace/batons/tasers to no avail.
What I don't get why they're wrecking the places they wreck. It's never, ever explained, and the places/things they wreck always look like they could still be functional. Like that hotel segment linked above. The room, and the hotel itself, look perfectly fine. Why are they destroying it?
I just assume that they drive by places randomly, decide they want to wreck them, and nothing anyone could ever do would ever be able to stop them from running through every wall and spin-kicking every piece of glass in whatever place they have decided needs to be wrecked.
So you might own a slightly run-down but still perfectly functioning bowling alley, but they just show up one day unannounced and start destroying the place. And you probably get mad and want to stop them, but what are you going to do? These guys are literally World Champion class professional wreckers. The guy who claims to be a scientist or some shit probably just tells you that, look, they're going to wreck your bowling alley and there's nothing you or the police or anybody can do about it, so just take some money and pretend to be OK with it for the cameras and please, please don't make them mad. Not again.
I do think it's kind of a rip-off when they run into something (again, often literally) that they can't actually wreck, and they just kind of turn it upside down and decide that counts as wrecking it. I don't care if something is made of solid steel, the younger brother should have to keep running into it as many times as it takes for either the thing to be wrecked or for him to die. I think he'd be OK with doing it, too, if they presented that as an option.