10:1 - Rogue Wave - 10:1
A classic moment. This was one of the first few shows I "recapped," although the early ones were more like blog posts trying to sell people on the show. I described it thusly:
The interview with relaxation guru Gregor McWilliams (starts at 1:58) is one of the most disturbing Best Show calls I've heard and another masterful use of the slow-burn twist technique that marks such classics as "Darren from Work" and "Timmy von Trimble". Gregor's initial attempt to test his dubious skills via the radio are derailed when he uses a parade of Republican politicians (Rumsfeld, an owl that looks like Reagan, etc.) as vessels of relaxation for Tom. Then, we gradually get a more revealing portrait of Gregor's troubled cosmus: his legal troubles over providing female patients with his "Rainbow Elixir" potion (i.e., Knob Creek bourbon), a troubled childhood that included driving the family car through his parent's bedroom because they would not allow him to see David Cronenberg's
Rabid, and ends with Gregor in fully-demented, Dream Warrior mode commanding Tom to murder Mike the Call Screener in his name in order to remove the bloodlusty demon bears that he had previously implanted in Tom's dreamscape.
The finale: Gregor's piercing cries of "KILL"---->Click---->immediate throw to Rogue Wave's "10:1". Brilliant.
The Best Show in 2006 is untouchable. The greatest run in radio history.