I know for a fact that if my wife hadn't wanted to see it so bad I would have waited and rented it. Mike if you hate Tarantino and decided before hand that you weren't going to like the movie, why did you give him your money? I'm not asking in a smart ass way, just curious.
It's a sort of sickness, I know, but I've always thought Tarantino was one of the most overrated writers/directors around. And the fact that he's the King of the Fanboys and still garners rave reviews from some critics makes it all the more galling. When I read about the feud between Roger Ebert and Armond White over the movie, I thought I'd check it out to see what the fuss was all about.
I'm in a totally weird phase right now where I've always been a sarcastic cynic and generally a hater but I'm trying to be objective and not hate on things just to hate. I used to rip on Tarantino (and most other hipster favs) just because all of my friends liked him and I think on a subconscious level I was just trying to be different. Now as a family man I'm trying to just look at something for what it is not who it came from or why it exists, I'm trying not to judge things by what I think about someone that was involved but by the things themselves... it's hard. It was difficult to watch IG without thinking about what a freak QT was on an episode of Iconoclasts that I saw or how he seemed like a parody of himself in an old Elvis Mitchell interview I saw but I did for the most part and as I said before I was entertained, it wasn't the best movie ever by far, it wasn't even the best Tarantino film but it was omage-ish, violent, and sometimes funny which what I want with a QT film. Sure I've got complaints but I don't think I've ever seen a film that I didn't have complaints about so it was fine. Mike, at least you're honest with yourself about your "sickness", my former self would love to talk movies with you.