Author Topic: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show  (Read 3097009 times)

Mark in Helsinki

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7920 on: January 13, 2012, 08:45:04 AM »
I think if you are insecure enough to ask a radio personality what to do about your facial hair then you have clearly not earned your beard.
"Is this me?"

mike a

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7921 on: January 13, 2012, 09:43:10 AM »
"You're only booing because you know how rich my father is!" = an absolute genius heckle.  Especially at a Philly bar in front of frat boys.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7922 on: January 13, 2012, 10:07:04 AM »
"You're only booing because you know how rich my father is!" = an absolute genius heckle.  Especially at a Philly bar in front of frat boys.

Thanks so much! That's one of the proudest moments of my life.

We didn't really touch on the aftermath of what happened, especially since there's a curse word involved. But the whole bar started chanting "ASSSHOOLLLE" at me. I kept egging them on (cupping my hand to my ear, doing the Hulk Hogan flex pose) in order because I thought I was going to get beat up no matter what I did so I figured I might as well run with it. Somehow, and I have no idea how, no one physically confronted me.

At the same time, our friends were trying to convince my wife to come to my aid and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with this unfolding scenario, although afterwards she thought it was pretty great.

There's a karaoke night periodically at The Trocadero which is a lot more suitable to FOT types. It's a Gong Show format so booing is encouraged. If the boos are loud enough, a man dressed as Skeletor will gong you and you have to leave the stage. I did "Under Pressure" and got booed off so I dropped that line and the guy dressed as Skeletor completely lost it.

Later on in the evening, I returned for my next song. I started by ranting about my family's wealth and power. And then I said, "This song's going out to my most beloved uncle DICK CHENEY! JUST WHAT I NEEDED" and then I sang The Cars classic and was gonged about five seconds into the song.

I was being really heckled when I did that because, despite the crowd being more hipster-y and filled with people I assumed would get it, they actually DID think my uncle was Dick Cheney. They seriously hated me just as much as the people at the original bar.

But these meatheads who are the exact type of people who would be at the frat guy bar loved it and bought me and my friends drinks.

I have a gift of being a heel at karaoke. I can't tell you how great a feeling it is to really rile up a group of people at something as innocent as karaoke.
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7923 on: January 13, 2012, 10:56:36 AM »
Did the Greggulator make a Piebald reference in there? Because holy crap, that's awesome!


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7924 on: January 13, 2012, 03:10:59 PM »
Greggulator is to Wally Wackiman as Marc Maron is to Michael Ian Black

Sadly - and I LOVE Wally - my comparison would be to David Letterman and Regis Philbin.

Eric Fishlegs

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7925 on: January 15, 2012, 08:06:01 PM »
"You're only booing because you know how rich my father is!" = an absolute genius heckle.  Especially at a Philly bar in front of frat boys.

Thanks so much! That's one of the proudest moments of my life.

We didn't really touch on the aftermath of what happened, especially since there's a curse word involved. But the whole bar started chanting "ASSSHOOLLLE" at me. I kept egging them on (cupping my hand to my ear, doing the Hulk Hogan flex pose) in order because I thought I was going to get beat up no matter what I did so I figured I might as well run with it. Somehow, and I have no idea how, no one physically confronted me.

At the same time, our friends were trying to convince my wife to come to my aid and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with this unfolding scenario, although afterwards she thought it was pretty great.

There's a karaoke night periodically at The Trocadero which is a lot more suitable to FOT types. It's a Gong Show format so booing is encouraged. If the boos are loud enough, a man dressed as Skeletor will gong you and you have to leave the stage. I did "Under Pressure" and got booed off so I dropped that line and the guy dressed as Skeletor completely lost it.

Later on in the evening, I returned for my next song. I started by ranting about my family's wealth and power. And then I said, "This song's going out to my most beloved uncle DICK CHENEY! JUST WHAT I NEEDED" and then I sang The Cars classic and was gonged about five seconds into the song.

I was being really heckled when I did that because, despite the crowd being more hipster-y and filled with people I assumed would get it, they actually DID think my uncle was Dick Cheney. They seriously hated me just as much as the people at the original bar.

But these meatheads who are the exact type of people who would be at the frat guy bar loved it and bought me and my friends drinks.

I have a gift of being a heel at karaoke. I can't tell you how great a feeling it is to really rile up a group of people at something as innocent as karaoke.

I think it is bred into every wrestling fan  that if they are given a microphone in front of a group of strangers they will almost certainly heel it up. The temptation is just too great. It's ylour one chance to be Ric Flair and you're gonna take it.

If Ted DiBiase Jr. had come up with the "You're only booing me because you know how rich my father is" line he would still be a heel and probably would have gotten a run with the IC title at least.


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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7926 on: January 16, 2012, 12:18:55 AM »
Prog band Gentle Giant was also mentioned by Todd Billups/Phillips in the very first best show!  It's amazing how things come full circle.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!

cavorting with nudists

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7927 on: January 16, 2012, 02:15:04 PM »
Best: The observation that on later Doors albums, Jim Morrison's voice actually sounds fat; Greggulator's karaoke story and the one-sided beatdown administered to that Shit Hamine wanker.  Worst: Wally Wackiman, who should probably turn to professional help at this point rather than seeking therapy from Tom.  It isn't his voice that's slipping, it's his I'm-such-a-nice-guy, let's-all-get-along persona, revealing a molten core of roiling anger issues that makes Oscar the Grouch look like a Zen master.
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau

Pregnant Pause

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7928 on: January 16, 2012, 03:17:21 PM »
Greggulator, I too have been booed off the stage at MacGillan's karaoke, I only wish I had a line as perfect as yours.  I think MacGillan's is summed up perfectly by the fact that it's down an alley with nothing but the backs of other bars/restaurants, so you have to walk by about 15 dumpsters to get into the place. 


  • Plantar Fasciitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7929 on: January 16, 2012, 06:59:11 PM »
Naked 2: Port of Call Bayonne

Maybe this isn't worth its own post, but the intersection of the Best Show, AP Mike lore, and Mike Leigh's 1993 masterwork Naked is too relevant to my interests for me not to post about it. I missed the live show last week and  was listening the podcast while riding the subway when I heard this part. I totally lost it and yelled, "Oh my god!"

I feel Vance should play Brian, the security guard. Skeevy can be Jeremy.


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7930 on: January 16, 2012, 09:05:53 PM »
Greggulator is to Wally Wackiman as Marc Maron is to Michael Ian Black

Sadly - and I LOVE Wally - my comparison would be to David Letterman and Regis Philbin.

I still don't quite get either of these analogies, but I think I would not like them if I did.  Also, what's wrong with wanting to get along?  People complain and claim (falsely) that Wally was starting fights with everybody, and now there are complaints that he wants to get along?  The guy can't seem to win, and I'm not sure why.  He is just the same fun-loving puppet he's always been, but things have been twisted and contorted into ways that focus on nitpicking and negativity.  We both just want to entertain, make people laugh and make people happy.  Wally is not calling Tom for therapy, though he has appreciated all the advice and wisdom that come from experience.

   -Zach (Big Z)


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7931 on: January 16, 2012, 09:58:27 PM »

Part of the point (if not the whole point) is that he's NOT the same fun-loving puppet he's always been.  Tom's audience hasn't SEEN that puppet, and we haven't HEARD FROM that puppet in quite a while, which all but means he's no longer there.  Every conversation we've been privy to as of late is somehow warped or melancholy.  All we've heard from him is "woe is me"-style defensiveness and-- above everything else-- a certain sadness.  I'm quite sure that isn't who Wally is, or what Wally is supposed to be about. 

You've obviously spent a lot of time on and a lot of time with Wally, and you both have given quite a bit to the show.  More than I understand, I'm sure.  I really liked the shows that Wally co-hosted with Hatch, in particular.  But as of late, Wally's been getting trolled and getting suckered, and that... that isn't good for anyone.

Please.  Stop taking the bait, and stop responding to everyone.  This post included.

cavorting with nudists

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7932 on: January 17, 2012, 04:49:53 AM »
My point was not that wanting everyone to get along is a bad thing, it's that Wally wants credit for good intentions while evading responsibility for behaviors that make getting along difficult. Last week, he was all "let's leave the past behind and go forward," but prodded at length by Tom to say something nice about Greggulator, he couldn't do it, he said, because of all the "bad memories."  He wants everyone to get along, but only on his terms.  Ask Wally what he intends to do, concretely, to help people get along besides talking up what a genial puppet he is.
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7933 on: January 17, 2012, 10:30:56 AM »
Am I even a villain anymore?
Listen to my basketball podcast!

daveB from Oakland

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #7934 on: January 17, 2012, 11:15:10 AM »
Am I even a villain anymore?

Probably not, but I think everyone's aware you can pull Dark Greggulator out of your back pocket whenever you want to .
"He didn't sound like a human when I was talking to him ... he sounded like a shape ... what's that shape of that building ... you know, where the Army lives?" -- Bryce, 11/24/2009