"You're only booing because you know how rich my father is!" = an absolute genius heckle. Especially at a Philly bar in front of frat boys.
Thanks so much! That's one of the proudest moments of my life.
We didn't really touch on the aftermath of what happened, especially since there's a curse word involved. But the whole bar started chanting "ASSSHOOLLLE" at me. I kept egging them on (cupping my hand to my ear, doing the Hulk Hogan flex pose) in order because I thought I was going to get beat up no matter what I did so I figured I might as well run with it. Somehow, and I have no idea how, no one physically confronted me.
At the same time, our friends were trying to convince my wife to come to my aid and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with this unfolding scenario, although afterwards she thought it was pretty great.
There's a karaoke night periodically at The Trocadero which is a lot more suitable to FOT types. It's a Gong Show format so booing is encouraged. If the boos are loud enough, a man dressed as Skeletor will gong you and you have to leave the stage. I did "Under Pressure" and got booed off so I dropped that line and the guy dressed as Skeletor completely lost it.
Later on in the evening, I returned for my next song. I started by ranting about my family's wealth and power. And then I said, "This song's going out to my most beloved uncle DICK CHENEY! JUST WHAT I NEEDED" and then I sang The Cars classic and was gonged about five seconds into the song.
I was being really heckled when I did that because, despite the crowd being more hipster-y and filled with people I assumed would get it, they actually DID think my uncle was Dick Cheney. They seriously hated me just as much as the people at the original bar.
But these meatheads who are the exact type of people who would be at the frat guy bar loved it and bought me and my friends drinks.
I have a gift of being a heel at karaoke. I can't tell you how great a feeling it is to really rile up a group of people at something as innocent as karaoke.