Author Topic: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show  (Read 3096974 times)

Drew D

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8190 on: March 09, 2012, 09:29:15 AM »
I kind of like Michael K's calls, and especially the silence on Tom's end when he's letting him ramble but you know he's probably just shaking his head.  And Vance's interaction with him was great, especially asking him about the Cynics again because he didn't remember the first time.

-Zach from R is the worst caller ever, but I also kind of get some kind of weird "watching a train wreck" pleasure out of his calls.


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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8191 on: March 09, 2012, 09:56:48 AM »
Worst: Tom defaming sweaters. I wear them every day. I love them. It's like you're in bed all the time but you can get stuff done.
"I'm riding the silence like John Cage up in this piece." -Tom Scharpling


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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8192 on: March 09, 2012, 11:27:07 AM »
I kind of like Michael K's calls, and especially the silence on Tom's end when he's letting him ramble

I always imagine that Tom has left to do something else for a bit, knowing that Mr. K will continue ad infinitum until he gets back.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8193 on: March 09, 2012, 11:38:03 AM »
"Is this a different caller now?"


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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8194 on: March 09, 2012, 04:39:50 PM »
I love when Tom busts on John Pinette.

Also, those end minutes of the show where Harry from Milburn's on the phone and he and Tom are busting on Rush -- hysterical.
Remember how he couldn't stop his leg?


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8195 on: March 10, 2012, 10:29:17 AM »
Michael K, who rambles endlessly. I timed that call and it was over the 12 minute mark. Brutal. The difference between Z from R and Michael K, as I see, it is only that Tom listens/likes to the Cynics (I think) and thus grants Michael the time on the phone. His calls are just as bad, and as just as set up to get his band a plug.

Michael K at least has had a life and stories to tell. He has the occasional insight and mainly acts in a humble manner (he usually does not promote himself extensively) – except for his non-stop rambling and talking over Tom. Zach, however, has had no life to speak of, his ideas are all terrible and his calls are about nothing but promoting himself; however, you got to hand it to him: He plays the role of Best Show enemy quite well. We're all rooting for his downfall and total and final defeat, obviously, and I bet most of us would love for it to happen on air.
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Pregnant Pause

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8196 on: March 12, 2012, 08:30:20 AM »
I laugh whenever Tom makes a Jukt Micronics/Stephen Glass reference when discussing a website. 

gravy boat

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8197 on: March 12, 2012, 01:11:17 PM »
Michael K, who rambles endlessly. I timed that call and it was over the 12 minute mark. Brutal. The difference between Z from R and Michael K, as I see, it is only that Tom listens/likes to the Cynics (I think) and thus grants Michael the time on the phone. His calls are just as bad, and as just as set up to get his band a plug.

Michael K at least has had a life and stories to tell. He has the occasional insight and mainly acts in a humble manner (he usually does not promote himself extensively) – except for his non-stop rambling and talking over Tom. Zach, however, has had no life to speak of, his ideas are all terrible and his calls are about nothing but promoting himself; however, you got to hand it to him: He plays the role of Best Show enemy quite well. We're all rooting for his downfall and total and final defeat, obviously, and I bet most of us would love for it to happen on air.

I am with you Flood. I am a Michael K fan and there is no way on earth they are near as bad as Z from R's calls. I've been avid listening for about 6 years and Z from R is the worst. Boring. No personality.  Just a complete troll.  Yeah, Michael K's calls are like drinking from a firehose but he's got heart, some interesting stories buried in the avalanche of words and you can tell he's a TBSOWFMU fan.  That said, the best part of last week's call:

Michael K:  Vance, I am not sure if you remember, but we spoke once before.

Vance: I don't remember that.

Michael K: [Pause]  Oh...

daveB from Oakland

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8198 on: March 12, 2012, 02:18:33 PM »
There are some real gems to be found within Michael K's voluminous verbiage if one listens closely:

Vance: A lot of people have told me I need to expand my horizons ...

Michael K: I think that anyone with three eyes has already seen enough horizons!
"He didn't sound like a human when I was talking to him ... he sounded like a shape ... what's that shape of that building ... you know, where the Army lives?" -- Bryce, 11/24/2009


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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8199 on: March 12, 2012, 07:23:00 PM »
Ha! I missed that one ... Michael K is a good sport & seems like a pretty sweet guy.
Remember how he couldn't stop his leg?

King of Breakfast

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8200 on: March 12, 2012, 10:40:51 PM »
anybody who wants my Ralphie May/John Piñette dirty fan fiction just pm me I'll hook you up
Let's all try to do our best


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8201 on: March 14, 2012, 08:59:34 AM »
Michael K is great. He's such an obviously sweet guy with a rambling problem. "Heart" is definitely the right word and it's obvious Tom likes him quite a bit. Also, his band was on the Cherry Blossom Clinic which is the highest of endorsements.

Zach From Richmond is the absolute biggest tool. I don't think he plays the role of Best Show Enemy well. I think he's just a general nuisance. He called about 750 times into Hatch's show last night.
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Jason from Huntsville, AL

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8202 on: March 14, 2012, 09:16:30 AM »
I like the new name of the Hatch Patch: The Rest Show. Why did that take so long to land on? Nice job, Wes.

Everyone seemed more settled in and comfortable this time.

Maggie made a couple of offhand references that really tickled me: Zach painting Warhammer figurines & Theo's friend Cockroach.

Z*** from M** H****** crashed and burned just like he was destined to do. Who new it would be Hatch & Co. to end that reign of error. Or we can at least hope they did.
"A Man Can Make a Dog Break Its Gaze." - Tom

dave from knoxville

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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8203 on: March 14, 2012, 09:53:43 AM »
Listening to last week's show. Good thing Vance had his headphones on, he would never drop that Tom suggested that Jaco Pastorius was in Spyrogyra.


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Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Reply #8204 on: March 14, 2012, 11:11:20 AM »
Z*** from M** H****** crashed and burned just like he was destined to do. Who new it would be Hatch & Co. to end that reign of error. Or we can at least hope they did.

I haven't heard last night's show yet, but I seriously doubt that anything short of not answering his calls for about two months or him finishing puberty will stop him from calling in.

I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!