I'm not sure what it is about this that I hate, so I'm going to describe the scenario and let you decide:
I have an acquaintance who becomes obsessed with things for a very short period of time. The thing is, she's a PR lady, so she lives everything. The usual arc goes something like this (played out in twitter):
2 months of: "hey y'all, I've always wanted to learn acoustic guitar. Anyone know where I can get one for $50? Anyone got one I can borrow?
1 month of: "I love practicing. I know 4 chords, but they go to a death cab song so they're the only ones I need. This is never going to get old"
1 week of: "It's finally happening. I'm getting up on stage to sit in with my friends cover band. Everyone come out and support me."
Then there is the inevitable disaster, followed by:
1 night of: "AMAZING! I love being on stage. It didn't go as well as I had hoped, but I'm going to stay with it"
Followed by a month of nothing
Followed by a lifetime of "I used to play around a little bit with my friends band, I'd love to do it, I just don't have time, but we were really good"
Like I said, I don't know why it bothers me so much. Part of me wonders if I'm jealous that she's getting out there and trying things, but I really think what she's doing is disrespectful to people who really do these things. I also now that she ropes people in to participating in things like this (some of which are group activities) and then doesn't follow through and leaves them holding the bag while she goes on to the next thing.