Back to shopping carts. I just got back from the grocery store where I had occasion to curse lazy shoppers not once, not twice, but thrice: (1) Entering the store, pushing one cart I'd found outside, which I intended to use, and hauling another that I'd brought in out of the sheer goodness of my heart, I found three carts all helter-skelter in the vestibule. Naturally, I put them in their proper places, along with the extra I'd just brought in. (2) Shopping done, I had to put away three more carelessly abandoned carts before I could take my groceries out of my own cart and slot it into its proper spot. (3) As I was doing this, a woman exited the store proper, grabbed her bag, and gave her cart a push in entirely the wrong direction before she left the store altogether. Of course, I had to put that one away, too, but that time I muttered cantankerously while doing so.
I know this is not as gripping the life-and-death three-way struggles of cars, cyclists, and pedestrians, but, damn, this casual antisocial brattiness gets my goat. I quail to think of how it must manifest itself in the larger towns/cities where most FOT live.
Grumble concluded.