From my understanding, the best way to get the word out publicly is to oversaturate. something that can be very easily done, and very cheaply done, would be flyers, stickers, etc. and post them all over town with the BS or FOT website on them.
I think flyers/posters are a good idea; it would be cool for them to leave an air of mystery about the show, something that makes whoever sees the thing want to find out more.
Here's what I envision in my mind grapes: Each Wurster character has his own flyer - there would be a Timmy Von Trimble, a Philly Boy Roy, etc. The flyer would have a large illustration of the head of the character - sort of a cross between the Rogue's Gallery and this:
Directly below the head, we put a quote that both encapsulates what the character is about AND is bizarre/hilarious enough to stick in the viewer's mind and give them a good chuckle. The hard part would be finding the right quote for each character, but I'm positive we intrepid FOT could do it. At the bottom of each flyer, there could be either the Friends of Tom URL or the Best Show logo* - or BOTH! Maybe the logo could be in one of the bottom corners of the flyer, like an official seal or something.
* Which one is the official Best Show logo - the bomb image that comes with the podcast, or the helmet and skull thing on the homepage?