Author Topic: Marc Maron  (Read 748472 times)


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 144
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #45 on: March 26, 2010, 12:49:16 AM »
I would do Marc Maron; but I want Tom to have my baby.
I can hear you judging me.

Andy from Atlanta

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2010, 10:11:39 AM »
I think you're really underestimating how much of an effect those factors have on how we  see/react to our surroundings.  If you grow up in a racist society, you're hard wired to be racist, and it's very difficult for most people to recognize that and transcend it.  It's nearly impossible when you're stupid.

Why would someone stop hate mongering if they don't see what they do as hate mongering, and if nearly everyone and everything around them confirms all of their biases on a daily basis?  Plus, most racism isn't an active thing... if you're a black American, you're presented with an ideal of beauty that's very much caucasian.  You're told that the way you talk is flat out wrong.  These things obviously effect the way white people see black people too.

I think saying, "Just change how you act!" is overly simplistic.  I wish it were that simple, though.  Don't get me wrong!

(What was this thread about, again?  My views on racism, right?  Oh, good.)

You know what, Empty Sockets? We agree on more than you think but unfortunately neither of us will realize that if we continue a conversation of this sort one post at a time.

I actually mostly agree with the above post you wrote. It is extremely hard to break out of that. My point was that we shouldn't treat it as a handicap for those people - at one point you have to tell them it's just wrong for them to realize it. And you're right, they can't just wake up and decide to not be racist all by themselves.

Marc Maron, What? Who's That?
"The absence of limitations is the enemy of art."
— Orson Welles

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2010, 08:10:35 PM »
As far as the racist and misogynistic accusations on this thread, I have to say they hold merit. I'm on board with Barry Egan when he mentioned how every ethnic guest becomes a 'how hard it must be to actually be a minority' conversation. Anybody who takes college courses on race relations would automatically recognize his absolute fetishization with 'the other.' His more overt xenophobic remarks (I'm thinking of his travel stories in particular) don't help either.

Thank you, Andy.  I was feeling alone on this one.

Again, I'd give Maron the benefit of the doubt on some of this questionable material if it was funnier and less condescending.

Also again, I wouldn't have this strong opinion about the guy if he wasn't dead set on branding himself the Raw Honest Comedian, which in addition to being 30 years past innovative, is ultimately about as honest as the Flamingo Guitar Comedian and the Ping-Pong Mouth-Juggler Comedian, and far less entertaining.

I'm less bothered by people thinking Maron's not a racist than people thinking he's a great interviewer.  He picks solid guests and delves into interesting topics, sure, but all that happens is the guest tells their story and then spends the rest of the time interviewing Marc Maron.  Every potentially interesting topic leads back to the same Sam Kinison Cocaine story, or a "I'm Horrible With Women" story.  He could interview Barack Obama and Merle Allin next week and about the same ground would be covered - this from a show that brags about its curiosity about people.  Come on.

He's one of the least curious comedians out there.  You're being hoodwinked, maximum funners.  

I disagree. I've never heard the Kinison Cocaine story.

I think he's told it twice in the near-60 episodes.

I must have only listened to 29 episodes so far. That explains it.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 609
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2010, 08:49:45 PM »
So, what I've gathered from this thread is that some of us like him and some of us don't and most of us think it would be interesting to hear Marc and Tom speak with one another.
You look like a really healthy Arthy Lang.

Hugman 3.0

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2010, 09:36:45 PM »
As someone who loves both, I could care less if they ever spoke.  I hope you're not losing too much sleep over my enjoyment of Marc's podcast, Barry Egan.

PS: "hoodwinked"? What are you, Malcolm X?

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2010, 01:34:07 PM »
The chickens are going to come home to roost, Marc Maron fans.

Speaking of which, we're going to see him tonight...I'll report back.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2010, 01:37:00 PM »

I said kinda misogynist, as 90% of the time he talks about women he makes them sound like traumatized manipulative monsters who are only good for sex.  Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the vibe I get from him over and over again.  He brags about sleeping with his "stalkers" and flirts with just about all of his female guests.  I think he even creeped out Margaret Cho, and that's no small feat.

Even worse is that every woman or minority he has on the show automatically becomes the "what it's like to be a woman and/or minority" show.  Fine, maybe he doesn't outright hate, but he certainly does compartmentalize people, relishing in their "otherness" to make him seem all tolerant and evolved.  I call bullshit.

Also, his favorite line, "I'm not racist, but I'm nervous" is uh... that's what racist people say, right?

I can't believe I'm alone on this one, but if I am, fine.  As Tom says, "That's why God made horse races".

I wanna agree with you that he's not that funny, isn't as smart as he thinks he is, and isn't the world's best interviewer (he can be great sometimes: but thats because he's friends with them and knows where the juicy stories are).


Your examples of his racism and sexism are terrible. They're jokes, dipshit.

dave from knoxville

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2010, 01:48:23 PM »
But I really LIKE Don Rickles.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 609
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #53 on: April 09, 2010, 04:33:40 PM »
The chickens are going to come home to roost, Marc Maron fans.

Speaking of which, we're going to see him tonight...I'll report back.

How was the show? Were you at the one with the crazy crying heckler that he talked about on the following podcast?
You look like a really healthy Arthy Lang.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #54 on: April 09, 2010, 11:04:41 PM »
The chickens are going to come home to roost, Marc Maron fans.

Speaking of which, we're going to see him tonight...I'll report back.

How was the show? Were you at the one with the crazy crying heckler that he talked about on the following podcast?

Naw, I was there the night after.

The opening comedian kind of sucked. He was doing a bit where he was pretending to be 2 rednecks debating politics and then shooting each other. It felt like it would never end. Then Maron comes out and says 'I know you people were wondering where is this guy going with this, and is he ever going to stop? That's commitment!', and that defused the tension in the room from nobody particularly wanting to be mean to the guy (who, weirdly enough, was on the podcast with Maron, who was pretty complimentary - although it's kind of clear Maron took a certain glee in watching this guy mess with the crowd).

We were in the front row and at times he'd look straight in my eyes, and it was a bit scary. Overall, a very funny show, a lot of rather smart jokes, and he was really approachable ('hey come see me after the show, I like to say hi'). He did mention the crying woman at the show, and it was funny to hear more about it on the podcast.

It was also quite cool that he was so complimentary to the club. The guy that runs the place is a guy who really loves comedy and does a great job getting comedians in, and it helps to get the good word of mouth from comedians that play means more great shows for those of us living in Bloomington.

Also, Indiana IS the source of much of the nation's fat, so we can't exactly take much offense at that. Pork and corn syrup (and gambling) prop up the economy around here.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 609
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #55 on: April 12, 2010, 04:50:23 PM »
The chickens are going to come home to roost, Marc Maron fans.

Speaking of which, we're going to see him tonight...I'll report back.

How was the show? Were you at the one with the crazy crying heckler that he talked about on the following podcast?

Naw, I was there the night after.

The opening comedian kind of sucked. He was doing a bit where he was pretending to be 2 rednecks debating politics and then shooting each other. It felt like it would never end. Then Maron comes out and says 'I know you people were wondering where is this guy going with this, and is he ever going to stop? That's commitment!', and that defused the tension in the room from nobody particularly wanting to be mean to the guy (who, weirdly enough, was on the podcast with Maron, who was pretty complimentary - although it's kind of clear Maron took a certain glee in watching this guy mess with the crowd).

We were in the front row and at times he'd look straight in my eyes, and it was a bit scary. Overall, a very funny show, a lot of rather smart jokes, and he was really approachable ('hey come see me after the show, I like to say hi'). He did mention the crying woman at the show, and it was funny to hear more about it on the podcast.

It was also quite cool that he was so complimentary to the club. The guy that runs the place is a guy who really loves comedy and does a great job getting comedians in, and it helps to get the good word of mouth from comedians that play means more great shows for those of us living in Bloomington.

Also, Indiana IS the source of much of the nation's fat, so we can't exactly take much offense at that. Pork and corn syrup (and gambling) prop up the economy around here.

Yeah, I've heard a lot of comics praise that club. Almost makes me wish I still lived in Indiana. I learned last year that one shouldn't sit in the front row of a comedy show when I found myself being the strait man in two comics at a show during the Bridgetown Fest. I'm glad you liked it, I'm going to try to catch his show at this year's Bridgetown Fest.
You look like a really healthy Arthy Lang.

Barry Egan

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2010, 02:39:08 AM »

I wanna agree with you that he's not that funny, isn't as smart as he thinks he is, and isn't the world's best interviewer (he can be great sometimes: but thats because he's friends with them and knows where the juicy stories are).


Your examples of his racism and sexism are terrible. They're jokes, dipshit.

I haven't checked this thread in awhile, so this "Go fuck yourself" is three weeks belated.  

Tell me what else is a joke that I've been too dumb to get, condescending cock.


  • Guest
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2010, 12:55:20 PM »
Alright guys, this isn't 4chan.

Tom Scharpling

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2010, 03:22:34 PM »
Yes. Let's stop fighting over whether Marc Maron is your favorite or if he isn't. Take it to ChatRoulette, guys.



  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2010, 08:44:06 PM »
I can't wait to go to ChatRoulette and show Marc Maron my dick!