Hey, I actually went all the way to Machias today! That's a full half-hour away. And I went into many stores, where I bought most of the stuff on the list I had accumulated since my last trip there (approximately eight months ago), including one of those new-fangled microwave box things (to replace the ancient one someone gave me years ago in lieu of the $40 he owed me). And a shovel. And a Nylabone for the puppy (I found chewing on it to be quite comforting, a big help in combating the agoraphobia--I recommend it). Oh, all kinds of things.
Phew. Now I don't need to go on a shopping trip for months. Sadly, however, I will have to leave town at least four more times in the next two weeks, though thankfully only one of these trips will involve purchases, and those transactions will take place outside. After that, I expect many months during which I will only to have to enter a car when I need to transport vast quantities of beast food home.