"Barton Fink" must be on the list. Anything W.P. Mayhew says is gold:
"Mister Fink, they have not invented a genre of picture that Bill Mayhew has not, at one time or other, been invited to essay. Yes, I have taken my stab at the rasslin' form, as I have stabbed at so many others, and with as little success. I gather that you are a freshman here, eager for an upperclassman's counsel. However, just at the moment, I have drinking to do. Why don't you stop by my bungalow, which is number fifteen, later on this afternoon, and we will discuss rasslin' scenarios and other things lit'rary."
"Breach my levee at your own peril!"
"I've always found that writing comes from a great inner pain."
"I gotta tell you, the life of the mind... There's no roadmap for that territory... And exploring it can be painful."
"Wallace Beery. Wrestling picture. What do you need, a roadmap?"
"Think about it, Fink! Writers come and go; we always need Indians!"
"Me, I just enjoy making things up. Yessah, escape. Its when I can't write I can't escape myself, I want to rip my head off and run screaming down the street with my balls in a fruit pickers pail."
"We're only interested in one thing, Bart. Can you tell a story? Can you make us laugh? Can you make us cry? Can you make us want to break out in joyous song? Is that more than one thing? Okay!"