Businessmen like Jerry Rubin? Yippie or yuppie era?
Quote from: Sarah on April 27, 2010, 01:46:46 PMBusinessmen like Jerry Rubin? Yippie or yuppie era?Oops. Ruben-esque. Sorry.
Oops. Ruben-esque. Sorry.
The gifts I get from my cat. In the past month, I've gotten a snake, half a rabbit, and countless moles. Thanks, but not thanks.
Ric Ocasek can walk on water, and while he has his good points I'd hardly consider him perfect.
Quote from: Bernard on April 27, 2010, 09:06:53 AMthe sound of someone else eating yogurt makes me cringe. i can't stand the sound of a plastic or metal spoon scraping the bottom of the container.That's a new one.Or is it?I used to be am very sensitive to the feeling of dry hands on a fresh roll of paper towels. I'd get all shivery and stuff. Just thinking about it almost does it.
the sound of someone else eating yogurt makes me cringe. i can't stand the sound of a plastic or metal spoon scraping the bottom of the container.
Quote from: iAmBaronVonTito on April 27, 2010, 10:41:11 AMapparently i'm being followed. seriously. on the internet. and i hate it.also, i hate the bumper sticker on the car in the parking garage that says, "next time you think you're perfect try walking on water". THAT PROVES NOTHING EXCEPT THAT YOU CAN WALK ON WATER!i love this thread.Deleting your number from my cell phone now
apparently i'm being followed. seriously. on the internet. and i hate it.also, i hate the bumper sticker on the car in the parking garage that says, "next time you think you're perfect try walking on water". THAT PROVES NOTHING EXCEPT THAT YOU CAN WALK ON WATER!i love this thread.