I'm only half way through the show but I have to say now that the Michael K call is probably the low light of the year so far. (Excepting anything from the Puppet)
ANYTHING from "the Puppet"? I get people's mixed opinions on "the feltdown", but has it really been THAT bad, all year long? Seriously, I'm just asking for feedback. Me and Wally could use it, especially if it's in the form of constructive criticism. I'm always looking to improve, and when I discuss it on here, an internet forum where I'm free to express myself, it should not just always come off as over-defensive whining or whatever. This is my creation we're talking about, and I want it/him to be the best he can be. I am always interested in what others have to say. Only when it's just pointless lambasting and insulting does it get too far, which I think could be said for anybody and any of their works/creations.
I should also point out that Wally hasn't been super-involved, so much, making his calls less frequent. Additionally, the whole Fredericks soundboard thing was within this year, too, right? If I remember, that went over mostly prety well. Thanks for hearing me out.
-Zach (Big Z)