Modern rock station's Led Zeppelin is Nirvana and they'll maybe play 5 different Nirvana songs to those 10 Led Zeppelin songs. I personally hate my local modern rock station(the Edge as well from Toronto) and modern rock is really stretching what they play. They'll play that stupid "A face A laugh!" song that soccer commercials play or AWOL Nation and garbage like that. Before I discovered WFMU, I did not know what Pavement, Sleater Kinney, or Dinosaur Jr. was and I hate myself a little for not finding out about them sooner but part of that is just that the modern rock outlets were garbage and will always be garbage and will always play Stone Temple Pilots or Muse. And even with the Canadian content law, they'll ignore bands like Fucked Up(You can totally play Queen of Hearts on the radio) and other great bands. And this radio station produces 10 part oral histories on Our Lady Peace and Finger 11.